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Colorful 1963 Paul Webb Mountain Boys Egg Company Advertising Premium Calendar
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Colorful 1963 Paul Webb Mountain Boys Egg Company Advertising Premium Calendar
Paul Webb   Art   Artist   Cartoonist   Illustrator   Illustration   Comic   Cartoon   Character   Comedy   Humor   Joke   Gag   Culture   Cultural   Politically Incorrect   Redneck   Mountain   Appalachian Mountains   Blue Ridge Mountains   Hillbilly   Derry   New Hampshire   New England   Egg   Chicken   Poultry   Bird   Food   Company   Advertising   Premium   Calendar   United States   America   American   Americana   Novelty   Nostalgic   Paper   Ephemera   History   Historic   Brown & Bigelow
The pictures below show larger views of all of the pages of this spiral bound Colorful 1960 Paul Webb Mountain Boys Egg Company Advertising Premium Calendar. The calendar was created by Brown & Bigelow of St. Paul, Minnesota. The company that advertised on the calendar was in business from March 23, 1950 - November 1, 2002. The advertising that is on each of the pages of the calendar reads as follows:

RESIDENCE TEL 432-3963 - OFFICE TEL. 432-2501 and 432-2502

The calendar is spiral bound and it measures 8-1/2'' x 14-1/2''. The pages are clean and appear to be in near mint condition as pictured.

There is a different colorful Mountain Boys cartoon or comic for each month of the year plus a cover image as well, (13) in all. Because they are difficult to see in the pictures below, the captions on the comic or cartoons are as follows:

December 1962 calendar

January: ''Reckon we orta git brakes this year ... draggin' mah feet is too blasted hard on mah corns.''

February: ''Sometimes Ah wish Oncle Finny hadn't hit that oil under his farm ... what'll we do with these things he keeps sendin' us?''

March: ''Ole Jed is sure mighty anxious t' marry off them three daughters, ain't he?''

April: ''Pa sez we shouldn't take this short-cut too often ... causes rust or somethin'.''

May: ''Maw always sed one of us was stupider than the other two ... mus' be him.''

June: ''Shecks ... she's got him hen-pecked already ... won't let 'im go after eels with us tonight.''

July: ''S'posin a shoe bounces off'n yore Paw's head plumb onto the peg ... do we rule it a clean ringer?''

August: ''Break it up boys ... you've done enuf whittlin' fer one day.''

September: ''Go fetch our eye-dropper, Luke ... cousin Jason may want to cut his with a li'l water.''

October: ''Thar's a sign out yonder warnin' folks 'bout that crack in the seat ... taint our fault ya can't read.''

November: ''Shecks ... Ah figgered he'd jump a little ... but not that high.''

December: ''Please keep on this side of the pickle barrels, fellers ... Sophie Potts is tryin' on one o' them new-fangled girdles.''

Click on image to zoom.
Colorful 1963 Paul Webb Mountain Boys Egg Company Advertising Premium Calendar Colorful 1963 Paul Webb Mountain Boys Egg Company Advertising Premium Calendar Colorful 1963 Paul Webb Mountain Boys Egg Company Advertising Premium Calendar Colorful 1963 Paul Webb Mountain Boys Egg Company Advertising Premium Calendar Colorful 1963 Paul Webb Mountain Boys Egg Company Advertising Premium Calendar Colorful 1963 Paul Webb Mountain Boys Egg Company Advertising Premium Calendar Colorful 1963 Paul Webb Mountain Boys Egg Company Advertising Premium Calendar Colorful 1963 Paul Webb Mountain Boys Egg Company Advertising Premium Calendar Colorful 1963 Paul Webb Mountain Boys Egg Company Advertising Premium Calendar Colorful 1963 Paul Webb Mountain Boys Egg Company Advertising Premium Calendar Colorful 1963 Paul Webb Mountain Boys Egg Company Advertising Premium Calendar Colorful 1963 Paul Webb Mountain Boys Egg Company Advertising Premium Calendar Colorful 1963 Paul Webb Mountain Boys Egg Company Advertising Premium Calendar

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