Item #0546 |  Price: $14.99 $6 shipping & handling For Sale
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| | | The picture shows this 1946 Child Written Letter On Old Walt Disney Character Stationary. The back is blank and 1/2 is discolored from being exposed. Pictured on the stationary in color is a scene with (3) pictures of Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, and Pluto. Below Pluto it is marked "39 Walt Disney Productions". The "39" may be the year it was made. The letter is dated July 21st, 1946. This short letter was written by a child in pencil. It is hard to read from the scan, so I will type it here. I will type as closely to how it reads as I can: Sunday July 21st 1946 ROCHESTER, N.H. Dear cousiN EtHeL, thanK you so Much for the LoVeLY BiBLe. Which I reciveD yesterdooy. ToDay i cARRiED iiT To ChURch. I am STARTiNg for PeNNSLYViNiA SnUda. NEXT. loVe EdnaDavis Boy, that was tough to do! Anyway it is a cute letter! It measures 6-7/8" x 8-1/2". It is in good condition with two fold creases as well as scattered small holes in the paper. |
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