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(16) Small Old Royal Arch Mason Fraternal Items
Item #c527
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This item is already sold(16) Small Old Royal Arch Mason Fraternal Items
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The pictures show a view of all (16) Small Old Royal Arch Mason Fraternal Items in this lot. The second picture has a little closer view of the smaller items. The items are not dated but they are all old. Included in this lot there are membership cards, member pins, coins, watch fob charms, and a bolo neck tie with slide. Each of these items has the Royal Arch Keystone emblem and have various Mason tools and Masonic symbols.

The two membership cards are from 1973 and 1978. They are both made out to the same man ''ALLEN E. DREW''. They are embossed and signed by different Secretaries. They are both from The Columbian Chapter, No. 18, R.A.M. of Farmington, New Hampshire.

There are (4) ''One Penny'' coins. Three of them are from The ''Columbian Chapter, No. 18, R.A.M. of Farmington, New Hampshire''. Of them two appear to be made of copper and one of brass. The fourth coin is also a ''One Penny'' coin. It looks like it may be made of silver. It is from ''King Cyrus Chapter R.A.M. of Newburyport, Massachusetts''.

The bolo necktie is of a brown cord with brass ends and it has a silver colored metal slide with the Royal Arch Mason emblem with Mason tools at the corners.

There are (3) different old keystone shaped watch fobs or charms. The smallest is sterling silver. It is marked on the two sides as follows: ''KSHTWSST MORNING STAR - SPRINGFIELD MASS. JUNE 10 1817 - 1942 - STERLING''. The next one appears to be made of stone or glass. It has a gold rod going through the center and a charm loop at the top. It has the engraved letters ''KSHTWSST''. The third one has the same lettering and some fancy scrollwork and edge designs. It appears to be made of silver plated brass.

Next there are (6) enameled membeship pins. All of them have their back section included. (4) of them have a screw back section and the other (2) have a pin on the back. Again each of these have the keystone emblem. Three of these are from ''THE GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER OF N.H.'' One of these is a 40 Year pin and two are 20 Year pins. The 40 Year pin is marked ''LGS 1/10 10K GP'' on the back. The 20 Year pins are not marked but may be silver. Next is a 25 Year pin from ''THE GRAND ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER OF MASSACHUSETTS''. There is another 20 Year pin, and the last item in this lot is a really tiny stud lapel pin. This one looks older then the others. It is not marked on the back but it appears to be made of gold.

All of these items for one price! To judge the sizes the membership cards each measure about 3-3/8'' x 2-1/4''. These items appear to range from good to mint condition as pictured. Below here for reference is some additional background information that was found on The Royal Arch Masons:

York Rite in the United States of America

The York Rite in the United States is actually a grouping of separate Rites joined in order, namely the Capitular Rite, or Royal Arch Masons (General Grand Chapter - Royal Arch Masons International), the Cryptic Rite, or Cryptic Masons (General Grand Council - Cryptic Masons International) and the Chivalric Orders, or Knights Templar (Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America).

The bodies of the York Rite are:

Royal Arch Masonry
Royal Arch Masonry is the first order a Master Mason joins in the York Rite. The Chapter works the following degrees:

The Mark Master Mason degree is in some respects an extension of the Fellow Crafts' second degree. In some jurisdictions the degree is conferred in a Fellow Craft Lodge, that is, the second degree of the Blue Lodge.

The Past Master (Virtual) degree is conferred because of the traditional requirement that only Past Masters of a Blue Lodge may be admitted to Holy Royal Arch. Because there are so many applicants for this degree, Virtual Past Master is required to qualify them for it. Much of the work is the same given to install the Worshipful Master of a Blue Lodge. There is no such requirement or procedure outside the USA.

In the Most Excellent Master degree the building of King Solomon's Temple, which figures so prominently in Blue Lodge, has been completed. In England the degree is conferred by Cryptic Councils, along with three other degrees below.

The Royal Arch Mason degree is said by many to be the most beautiful degree in all of Freemasonry. Following the convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter in England on November 10, 2004, there are significant ritual differences from that worked in the U.S.A., fraternal interrelations remain as before. Freemasons who reach this degree may continue to Cryptic Masonry or go straight to Knights Templar (where permitted requirements vary in different jurisdictions).

Cryptic Masonry
Membership in the Council of Cryptic Masons (or the Council of Royal and Select Masters in Great Britain and several states in the USA) is not required for membership in the Knights Templar in some jurisdictions, so it is frequently skipped. It is called Cryptic Masonry or the Cryptic Rite because a crypt or underground room figures prominently in the degrees.

Royal Master
Select Master
Super Excellent Master
In Great Britain, a Most Excellent Master degree is offered between Select Master and Super Excellent Master.

Knights Templar
The Knights Templar is the final order joined in the York Rite. Unlike other Masonic bodies which only require a belief in a Supreme Being regardless of religion, membership in Knights Templar is open only to Royal Arch Masons who promise to defend the Christian faith. Its affiliation with Masonry is based on texts that indicate persecuted Templars found refuge within the safety of Freemasonry. A local Knights Templar organization is called a Commandery in the United States and a Preceptory elsewhere. In the United States, Knights Templar consists of three degrees:
Illustrious Order of the Red Cross
Order of the Knights of Malta (or simply Order of Malta)
Order of the Temple

Why A Royal Arch Mason??

Every Master Mason aspires to attain the summit of Ancient Craft Masonry. Many feel with regret that it is not practicable for them to share in all the light shed by the several bodies, but all wish most earnestly to receive all the light and instruction which pertains to the Ancient Craft-the origin and foundation of the Institution.

In the life of every Master Mason, moreover, there comes a time when he realizes that he has not yet attained that goal, that he Is not yet in possession of all the rights and light of a Master Mason, as these were known and understood by his ancient brethren.

But he does not realize that the goal of his aspirations is near at hand In the Royal Arch Degree.

All Symbolic Masonry has its source In the Grand Lodge of England. Section I of the Constitution of the United Grand Lodge of England declares that ''pure, ancient Masonry consists of three Degrees and no more, Viz., those of the Entered Apprentice, the Fellow Craft, and the Master Mason including the Supreme Order of the Holy Royal Arch.''

The Degree of Royal Arch Mason is founded upon the destruction of the first and the building of the second Temple. The ceremonies of the Degree have an interesting and graphic historical setting, and a profound and reverential moral significance. The Royal Arch Degree is the complement of the Master's Degree, the unfolding into a second volume of the history of that which was lost to its final recovery. Without the Royal Arch, the Master's Degree is like a song half sung, a tale partly told, or a promise unfulfilled.

The preparatory Degrees conferred in the Chapter are those of Mark Master Mason, Past Master and Most Excellent Master. All are beautiful, all are interesting, all teach valuable lessons, but the Most Sublime Degree of Royal Arch Mason is more august, sublime and important than all that precedes it. It brings to light many essentials of the Craft contained ONLY in this Most Sublime Degree and explains many cryptic passages of the first three Degrees incomprehensible to the Master Mason. Without a knowledge of these the Masonic character cannot be complete.

It has been said that ''The Royal Arch stands as the rainbow of promise in the Ritual; it stands as the promise of the resurrection; of that which was lost and that which shall be recovered.''

The value of Royal Arch Masonry will be justly appreciated by all who are Exalted to that Most Sublime Degree, particularly by those who are seeking to complete their Masonic education. It reveals the full light of Ancient Craft masonry, presents it as a complete system in accordance with the original plan and confers at last the rights and light of a Master Mason in fact as well as in name. It truly leads to a fuller understanding of the purposes and spirit of Freemasonry, for standing upon this towering summit we are able for the first time to perceive the completeness of the Ancient Craft and to understand how all its forms and ceremonies, from the Entered Apprentice to the Master Mason's Degree, are the preparation for the final goal, the Most Sublime Degree of Royal Arch Mason.

Our membership consists only of those who have been regularly initiated, passed and raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason in a just and duly constituted Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons who are properly vouched for, in good standing in their respective Lodges and in the community in which they reside.

We would have all such receive the light and instruction which can be communicated only in the Royal Arch Degree. Any Royal Arch Mason can give full information on how to proceed to that end.

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(16) Small Old Royal Arch Mason Fraternal Items (16) Small Old Royal Arch Mason Fraternal Items

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