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Time Passages Nostalgia Company
Ron Toth, Jr., Proprietor
72 Charles Street
Rochester, New Hampshire 03867-3413
Phone: 1-603-335-2062
Email: ron.toth@timepassagesnostalgia.com
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Found 597 items matching Service Star
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1932 Gold Yarborough - 551 Medal In It's Original Presentation Case
Fraternal   Medal   Award   Gold   Yarborough Lodge
#0281    Sold.   details...
1933 Chicago Century Of Progress World's Fair Official Pictures Booklet
Worlds Fair   Chicago   Advertising   Souvenir   Paper   Historic   Ephemera
#0526    Sold.   details...
Old World War II Navy Sailor Photo In A Velvet Service Star Frame
United States   America   American   Americana   U.S. Navy   Sailor   Veteran   Frame   Home Front   Sweet Heart   Military   Photo   Photograph   Novelty   Nostalgic   Paper   Ephemera   History   Historic
#0791    Sold.   details...
1940 Refugee Thank You & Christmas Card
World War II   Homefront   Greeting Card   Christmas   Holiday
#1549   $19.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
(3) Small APOLLO 11 Space Astronaut Items
Apollo 11   NASA   Space   Astronaut   Rocket   Moon   Science   Transportation   Travel   Commemorative   Souvenir   Key Chain   United States   America   American   Americana   History   Historic   Michael Collins   Edwin Adren   Neil Armstrong   Fob   Charm   Medallion   Coin   Token   Exonumia   Numismatic
#1746    Sold.   details...
(5) Old Recipe & Advertising Booklets
Food   Advertising   Cooking   Kitchen   Recipe Book
#1794   $19.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
(4) 1940's Movie Theatre Programs
Movie   Film   Theatre   Actress   Actor   Nostalgic
#1861    Sold.   details...
(3) 1940's Boy Scout Color Slides Encased In Glass
Boy Scout   Scouting   World War II   WWII   Homefront   Massachusetts   Photograph
#2081   $24.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
Old John John Kennedy Saluting Figurine
Kennedy   Political   Democrat   U.S. President   Historic   Statue
#2148    Sold.   details...
(14) Old President JOHN F. KENNEDY Items
John F. Kennedy   JFK   Political   U.S. President   Presidential   Souvenir   Nostalgic   Americana
#2300    Sold.   details...
(12) World War II Homefront Items
World War II   WWII   Home Front   War   Military   U.S.   Historical
#2921    Sold.   details...
(7) Old Disabled American Veterans License Plate Charms
DAV   License Plate   Charm   Keychain   Auto   Automotive   Transportation   WWII
#5734    Sold.   details...
(9) Old President John F. Kennedy Items
J.F.K.   U.S. President   Presidential   Democrat   Democratic   Memorial   Political
#5749    Sold.   details...
(8) Old Boy Scout Items
Boy Scout   Scouting   Award   Advertising   Americana
#6253   $24.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
(8) Small World War II Homefront Items
Sweetheart   Home Front   World War II   Military   Pin   Jewelry   Americana
#6265    Sold.   details...
(29) Assorted Ribbons, Pins, & Medal
United States   Military   Medal   Ribbon   Award   War   Americana
#6267    Sold.   details...
1933 Chicago Century Of Progress Souvenir Spoon
Chicago   Illinois   Century Of Progress   Science   World's Fair   Spoon   Souvenir   Americana
#6279   $19.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
Old Bus Wagon Photograph With Lipton Tea Advertising
Wagon   Stage Coach   Bus   Transportation   Advertising   Tea   Historic   Photo   Photograph   Photography   British
#6284    Sold.   details...
(6) Old New Hampshire Theatre Schedules
Theatre   Theater   Movie   Film   Advertising   Card   Schedule   New Hampshire
#6483    Sold.   details...
©1962 John F. Kennedy Figure Salt & Pepper Shaker Set
John F. Kennedy   U.S. President   Presidential   Political   Democrat   Democratic   United States   America   American   Americana   Government   Nostalgic
#6591    Sold.   details...
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