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Time Passages Nostalgia Company
Ron Toth, Jr., Proprietor
72 Charles Street
Rochester, New Hampshire 03867-3413
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Email: ron.toth@timepassagesnostalgia.com
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(12) Old Theatre Programs With Some Ticket Stubs
Item #6076
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This item is already sold(12) Old Theatre Programs With Some Ticket Stubs
Actor   Actress   Theatre   Program   Advertising   Music   Nostalgic
There are two pictures showing a view of the covers of all (12) Old Theatre Programs in this lot. These are all filled with information on the shows and most have advertising as well as sponsors listed. Some of these have Ticket Stubs with them and will be noted below. Included (in order of appearance below) are the following:

Rogers' and Hammersteins' "THE SOUND OF MUSIC" 1973 by The Actorsingers of Nashua, New Hampshire. Has (2) Ticket Stubs.

"FIDDLER ON THE ROOF" 1971 by the Greater Lowel (Massachusetts) Theater Company. Has (1) Ticket.

"HELLO DOLLY" 1971 by The Actorsingers of Nashua, New Hampshire. Has (2) Tickets.

"A NIGHT OF MAGIC" Presented by The Rotary Club Of Merrimack, N.H. 1971 with: Cahowen The Magician, Geno The Great, Count DeParee, Steve Thomas, and Ring-A-Ding The Clown.

"LIFE WITH FATHER" 1970 by The Peterborough Players. Professional Summer Theatre of Peterborough, New Hampshire. Has (2) Ticket Stubs.

"NO SEX PLEASE - WE'RE BRITISH" 1974 by The Town & Country Playhouse. Has (2) Ticket Stubs and Ticket Envelope.

"MERRIMACK FOLLIES ON PARADE" 1971 Presented by the Merrimack, N.H. P.T.A.

"FINIAN'S RAINBOW" 1970 by The Actorsingers of Nashua, New Hampshire. Has (2) Ticket Stubs.

Cole Porter's "ANYTHING GOES" 1974 by The Merrimactors and Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Merrimack, N.H.

"PURE AS THE DRIVEN SNOW" or "A WORKING GIRL'S SECRET" 1974 by The Merrimactors. Has (1) Ticket Stub.

Lionel Bart's "OLIVER" 1970's by The Actorsingers of Nashua, New Hampshire.

"KISMET" 1971 at the North Shore Music Theatre. Stars pictured on the cover and others inside. Has (2) Ticket Stubs and Ticket Envelope.

All of these for one price! To judge the sizes the largest programs measure 6" x 9". They range from excellent to mint condition.

Click on image to zoom.
(12) Old Theatre Programs With Some Ticket Stubs (12) Old Theatre Programs With Some Ticket Stubs

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