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 0655 ... g824 ... j163 j167 j179 j271 j302 ... sny19730224 ... sny19930118
(7) King Kong Movie Gorilla Character Advertising Items
Item #j179
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This item is already sold(7) King Kong Movie Gorilla Character Advertising Items
King Kong   Gorilla   Ape   Movie   Film   Television   TV   Character   Monster   Horror   Jungle   Adventure   Universal Studios   Belt   Walker   Wind Up. Toy   Ring Non Sports   Trading Card   Card   Novelty   Nostalgic   Advertising
The pictures show views of all (7) King Kong Movie Gorilla Character Advertising Items in this lot. This is an accumulated lot of some different items. Included are the following:

There is a ©1976 imprinted child's vinyl belt. It has a metal buckle. The belt had been rolled up for years and unrolled for the photo. It is not damaged and in excellent condition. It will relax once it is kept unrolled for awhile. The belt with the buckle measures about 25-1/4'' long. The belt has various movie scene images of King Kong and it is marked on the two sides as follows:


There is a wind up gorilla walker toy. It is simply marked ''Made In Hong Kong'' on the bottom. It walks well when wound. It appears to be in mint condition.

There are (2) unused King Kong toy rings. These are made of black plastic with painted teeth and blood. They appear to be in mint condition. They are marked on the back as follows:


There are (3) non sports trading cards. Two of them are from the same ©1976 series from Topps Chewing Gum. They are by Dino De Laurentiis Corporation. They are numbers #4 & #19. The backs are puzzle pieces. They appear to be in good condition with some wear.

The third card and final item in this lot is a ''KONG - THE 8th WONDER OF THE WORLD'' flocked card by Topps. It is #3 of 5 cards. It is © Universal Studios. It is in mint condition.

To judge the sizes the cards each measure 2-1/2'' x 3-1/2''. These items appear to range from good to mint condition as pictured and mentioned above. Below here, for reference, is a cast list from the King Kong movie:

KING KONG (1933)


Fay Wray - Ann Darrow
Robert Armstrong - Carl Denham
Bruce Cabot - John Driscoll
Frank Reicher - Captain Englehorn
Sam Hardy - Charles Weston
Noble Johnson - Native Chief
Steve Clemente - Witch King (as Steve Clemento)
James Flavin - Second Mate Briggs
King Kong - King Kong
Walter Ackerman - Reporter (uncredited)
James Adamson - Native Child (uncredited)
Van Alder - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Ed Allen - Native (uncredited)
Etta Mae Allen - Native (uncredited)
Frank Angel - Reporter (uncredited)
Roscoe Ates - Press Photographer (uncredited)
Ralph Bard - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Reginald Barlow - Ship's Engineer (uncredited)
Leo Beard - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Fred Behrle - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Jack Best - Warrior (uncredited)
Johnnie Bland - Warrior (uncredited)
Eddie Boland - Reporter / Cameraman (uncredited)
Harry Bowen - Reporter (uncredited)
John Brakins - Warrior (uncredited)
Lynton Brent - Reporter / Cameraman (uncredited)
Roy Brent - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Everett Brown - Native in Ape Costume (uncredited)
Betty Burns - New York Theatergoer (uncredited)
Barney Capehart - Pilot (uncredited)
Jack Chapin - Reporter (uncredited)
Harry Claremont - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Edward Clark - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
John Collins - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Odel Conley - Warrior (uncredited)
Onest Conley - Warrior (uncredited)
Merian C. Cooper - Pilot of Plane That Kills Kong (uncredited)
Harry Cornbleth - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Kathryn Curry - Native (uncredited)
Nathan Curry - Native (uncredited)
Dick Curtis - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Bill Dagwell - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
George Daly - Machine Gunner (uncredited)
Ruby Dandridge - Native Dancer (uncredited)
Vivian Dandridge - Native Child (uncredited)
John Davis - Warrior (uncredited)
Joe Dill - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
James Dime - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Fanny Donahue - Native (uncredited)
Jean Doran - New York Theatergoer (uncredited)
Walter Downing - New York Theatergoer (uncredited)
Florence Dudley - New York Theatergoer (uncredited)
Tex Duffy - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
William Dunn - Native (uncredited)
William Duran - Warrior (uncredited)
Peter Duray - Reporter (uncredited)
Harry Duval - New York Theatergoer (uncredited)
Earl Dwire - New York Theatregoer (uncredited)
Ralph Easton - Reporter (uncredited)
Oliver Eckhardt - New York Theatregoer (uncredited)
Louise Emmons - Old Woman in Line at Mission (uncredited)
Shorty English - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Frank Fanning - Police Officer (uncredited)
Jean Fenwick - New Yorker (uncredited)
Bill Fisher - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Larry Fisher - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Art Flavin - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Joe Flourney - Native (uncredited)
Betty Gale - New Yorker (uncredited)
Jack Gallagher - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Bob Galloway - Pilot (uncredited)
Evelyn Garrison - Native (uncredited)
Harold Garrison - Native Child (uncredited)
Frank Gerritty - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
June Gittelson - Fat Woman (uncredited)
Arnold Gray - Reporter (uncredited)
Duke Green - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Lawrence Green - Native (uncredited)
Dorothy Gulliver - New York Theatergoer (uncredited)
Charles Haefeli - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Charlie Hall - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Pat Harmon - Gunman (uncredited)
James Harrison - Cameraman (uncredited)
Eddie Hart - Reporter (uncredited)
Lew Harvey - Gunman (uncredited)
Etta Mae Henry - Native (uncredited)
Irene Henry - Baby (uncredited)
Tex Higginson - Member of Ship's Crew / Assistant Director / Taxi Driver (uncredited)
Earl 'Hap' Hogan - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Wesley Hopper - Reporter (uncredited)
Hazel Howell - New Yorker (uncredited)
Clifford Ingram - Warrior (uncredited)
T.C. Jack - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Jimmy James - Member of Ship's Crew / Assistant Director (uncredited)
Annie L. Johnson - Native (uncredited)
John L. Johnson - New York Theatergoer (uncredited)
Harry Keaton - Ballyhooer (uncredited)
Walter Kimpton - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Walter Kirby - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Al Knight - Warrior (uncredited)
Walter Knox - Native (uncredited)
Ethan Laidlaw - First Mate (uncredited)
Sam Levine - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Vera Lewis - New York Theatregoer (uncredited)
Timothy J. Lonergan - Police Officer / Usher (uncredited)
George MacQuarrie - Police Captain (uncredited)
George Magrill - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Joe Smith Marba - Elevated Train Motorman (uncredited)
Rena Marlowe - Native Child (uncredited)
Sam Marlowe - Warrior (uncredited)
Mae Marrin - Ballyhooer (uncredited)
Henry Martin - Warrior (uncredited)
Buddy Mason - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
LeRoy Mason - New York Theatregoer (uncredited)
Richie McCarew - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Etta McDaniel - Native (uncredited)
Al McDonald - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Larry McGrath - Ballyhooer (uncredited)
Frank Meredith - Police Officer (uncredited)
Frank Mills - Reporter (uncredited)
Dusty Mitchell - Pilot (uncredited)
King Mojave - Ballyhooer (uncredited)
Carlotta Monti - New York Theatergoer (uncredited)
Harry Mount - Reporter (uncredited)
Almeta Muse - Native (uncredited)
Alice Nichols - Native (uncredited)
Nim Nixon - Native Dancer (uncredited)
John Northpole - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Skeets Noyes - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
G. Raymond Nye - Police Captain (uncredited)
Frank O'Connor - Reporter (uncredited)
Paddy O'Flynn - Reporter / Cameraman (uncredited)
Tom O'Grady - New York Theatergoer (uncredited)
Bert O'Malley - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Charles O'Malley - Reporter (uncredited)
Edward Patrick - Native Dancer (uncredited)
Gil Perkins - Sailor (uncredited)
Jack Perry - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Nathan Perry - Native (uncredited)
Lee Phelps - Cameraman (uncredited)
Allen Pomeroy - Motorcycle Policeman (uncredited)
Paul Porcasi - Apple Vendor (uncredited)
Mahlon Potts - Native Child (uncredited)
Malcon Potts - Native Child (uncredited)
Russ Powell - Watchman (uncredited)
A.J. Prather - Native (uncredited)
Jack Pratt - Radio Announcer (uncredited)
Tom Quinn - Reporter (uncredited)
T.J. Rankin - Native Dancer (uncredited)
Eddy Reed - Reporter (uncredited)
Gus Robinson - Native Dancer (uncredited)
Ed Rochelle - Reporter (uncredited)
Russ Rogers - Pilot (uncredited)
Jack Saunders - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Russell Saunders - Reporter (uncredited)
Syd Saylor - Reporter (uncredited)
Ernest B. Schoedsack - Machine-Gunner on Plane That Kills Kong (uncredited)
Charles Sewell - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Floyd Shackelford - Warrior (uncredited)
Sandra Shaw - Hotel Woman Dropped by Kong (uncredited)
Tony Shelly - Native (uncredited)
Gay Sheridan - New York Theatergoer (uncredited)
Milton Shockley - Warrior (uncredited)
Jack Silver - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Jack Smith - Reporter (uncredited)
William Solder - Native (uncredited)
Katherine Sparks - Native (uncredited)
Hugh Starkey - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Larry Steers - New York Theatregoer (uncredited)
Edward Stevens - Reporter (uncredited)
Roy Stewart - Reporter (uncredited)
Harry Strang - Policeman at Headquarters (uncredited)
Eddie Sturgis - Ballyhooer (uncredited)
Madame Sul-Te-Wan - Native (uncredited)
Charles Sullivan - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Gertrude Sutton - New York Theatergoer (uncredited)
Tobias Tally - Warrior (uncredited)
Walter Taylor - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Harry Tenbrook - Sailor (uncredited)
Ivan Thomas - Conductor (uncredited)
Roy Thompson - Warrior (uncredited)
Jim Thorpe - New York Theatergoer (uncredited)
Earl Turman - Warrior (uncredited)
Ray Turner - Native (uncredited)
William Van Vleck - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Monte Vandergrift - Police Officer (uncredited)
Sailor Vincent - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
John Wade - Warrior (uncredited)
Kid Wagner - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Harry Walker - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Wade Walker - Native (uncredited)
H.R. Warwick - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Blue Washington - Warrior (uncredited)
Charles Washington - Warrior (uncredited)
George Washington - Warrior (uncredited)
Hannah Washington - Native Child (uncredited)
Jack West - Native (uncredited)
Blackie Whiteford - Member of Ship's Crew (uncredited)
Bill Williams - New York Theatergoer (uncredited)
Geneva Williams - Native (uncredited)
Ivory Williams - Warrior (uncredited)
Victor Wong - Charlie - Ship's Cook (uncredited)
Eric Wood - Pilot (uncredited)
Helen Worthington - New York Theatergoer (uncredited)
Lillian Young - New York Theatergoer (uncredited)

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(7) King Kong Movie Gorilla Character Advertising Items (7) King Kong Movie Gorilla Character Advertising Items (7) King Kong Movie Gorilla Character Advertising Items

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