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New Yorker Magazine - April 12, 1976 - Cover by Eugene Mihaesco
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New Yorker Magazine - April 12, 1976 - Cover by Eugene Mihaesco
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the April 12, 1976 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine has been carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover.

Cover artist: Eugene Mihaesco
Publication Date: April 12, 1976
Page Count: 144 pages
In this issue:

Reflections UNITY IN EUROPE by William Pfaff. REFLECTIONS about the questions of European political unification. Writer argues that unification is unlikely because the smaller nations do not want to be dominated by France and West Germany. The American federal political system is held up as a model for Europe but the smaller European nations recognize that they...

The Theatre In Vino Veritas by Brendan Gill.

Musical Events Festival City by Andrew Porter.

Fiction The Lone Pilgrim by Laurie Colwin. Narrator begins by discussing how, as a single woman, she was the perfect houseguest when visiting her married friends. As an illustrator of children's books, she was introduced to Gilbert Seigh, a publisher of rare editions who was looking for someone to illustrate an edition of "The Art of Courtly...

Fiction WLT (The Edgar Era) by Garrison Keillor. Two brothers, Edgar and Roy Elmore, opened Elmore's Court restaurant in 1919 in Minneapolis. They served six sandwiches and were immensely popular with all but the upperclass families who scorned the sandwich as an inferior food. Edgar Elmore sought to win the patronage of the better families: the restaurant's decor...

The Talk of the Town Sunday Afternoon by Rogers E. M. Whitaker. Talk story about Fran and Jay Landesman, Americans living in London, who were active, in the fifties, in cabaret theatre in St. Louis. Writer saw them on their recent visit to New York where they held a party at a Greenwich Village jazz spot, Bradley's. In St. Louis in the...

The Current Cinema PLOWED-UP FIELDS by Penelope Gilliatt.

Books Painfully Human by Robert Coles.

Obituary Mary Petty by Lee Lorenz. Obituary of Mary Petty, who died Saturday, Mar. 6, 1976...

The Talk of the Town Optimist by Joseph Wechsberg. Talk story about Hermann Gmeiner, the 56 year-old Austrian founder and president of SOS-Kinderdorf International, an organization that places orphans and abandoned children in family units of 7-9 children under the care of a "mother," in an SOS Village. A Village usually consists of 15-20 houses under the...

Annals of Law Taking the Fifth~II by Richard Harris. ANNALS OF LAW about the Fifth Amendment which protects individuals against self-incrimination. Tells about the case of John Lilburne, in 16th cen. England. From his time on the right against self-incrimination was an established rule of English law generally. (Much of the writer's historical material comes from "Origins...

The Race Track Questions About Zen by G. F. T. Ryall. Maryland trainers are keen on vanning horses to get them into condition. Writer wonders if vanning wasn't thought up by Yancey Christmas. Back in the thirties, when he was racing in New England, Yancey had a plater he used to enter at Suffolk Downs when he particularly wanted to win...

Jazz New York Notes by Whitney Balliett.

Comment by Suzannah Lessard. Comment about arms shipments to the Middle East. One of the reasons that the U.S. Administration wants to sell arms to Egypt is to prevent a situation in which the U.S. arms Israel, the Soviets arm Egypt and a conflict between the super-powers is latent. Mentions recent report that...

Dancing Twylathon by Arlene Croce.

The Talk of the Town On Wheels by Wallace White. Talk story about a roller-skating exhibition sponsored by Rockefeller Center as part of a continuing series of community events. One of the skaters, Jane Puracchio, is a sophomore at Case Western Reserve University, in Cleveland, Ohio. She and her partner, Terry Cavazzi, won first prize in the dance competition...

Poetry The Trestle by Lewis Turco. The rails shine like new wire...

Poetry Six Poems by W. S. Merwin. In the late day shining cobwebs trailed from my fingers...

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New Yorker Magazine - April 12, 1976 - Cover by Eugene Mihaesco

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