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New Yorker Magazine - February 12, 1972 - Cover by James Stevenson
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New Yorker Magazine - February 12, 1972 - Cover by James Stevenson
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the February 12, 1972 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine was carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover. It does not have a mailing label and never had one.

Cover artist: James Stevenson
Publication Date: February 12, 1972
Page Count: 104 pages
In this issue:

The Talk of the Town Italian Evening by Geoffrey T. Hellman. Talk story about a "Fortnight of Italian Gastronomy and Enology" at the Rainbow Room. Each night a complete regional menu was served, featuring the specialties of one of Italy's 18 regions. The invitation came from the Brody Corporation, a hydra-headed association or restaurant operators, whose responsibilities include L'Etoile, Gallagher's...

The Talk of the Town by Burton Bernstein. The credit-card application for the Humble Oil and Refining Co. allows three choices for the "Name of Head of Household" item: "Mrs.," "Miss," and "Other...

Musical Events by Winthrop Sargeant.

Fiction A Queen Remembered by Sylvia Townsend Warner. Many years ago, a woman & her husband, in England, made a New Year's resolution to buy some peat blocks. They'd always talked about peat fires, but never had them. The next day they drove into Somerset, stopped at a roadside inn, & asked if anyone knew a place to...

The Theatre by Edith Oliver.

Comment by Jonathan Schell. Last week, most of the newsweeklies & newspapers were dominated by 2 stories: the Howard Hughes tangle & Henry Kissinger's surreptitious activities in Paris. In the Hughes story, it was obviously the secret trips, the fake identities, & the mysterious phone calls that held everybody's interest, & not anything that...

Books by George Steiner.

The Talk of the Town Meeting by Geoffrey T. Hellman. Talk story about annual meeting of the N.Y. Zoological Society, at Philharmonic Hall. Among the nicest features of the evening were exhibits of animals from the Bronx Zoo and the Coney Island Aquarium, held up for display by young staff members and volunteers of the Society in the foyer. Included...

A Reporter at Large I-THE BIRTH OF BANGLADESH by Robert Shaplen. REPORTER AT LARGE about Bangladesh, before, during & after the India-Pakistan war & its independence. The new nation, formerly E. Pakistan, which is the 8th most populous with 75 million people, seems destined to prove that freedom is easier to come by than to keep & that heroic struggles...

The Talk of the Town Boom by Fred C. Shapiro. Talk story about chess. Fred Cramer, president of the U.S. Chess Federation from 1960 to 1963, is now the American-zone representative of the Federation Internationale des Echecs, the international chess organization. The Federation has its headquarters in Amsterdam...

The Current Cinema by Pauline Kael. Review of "X Y & Zee", taken from an original screenplay by Edna O'Brien. The screenplay was published in England as "Zee & Co...

The Talk of the Town by Philip Hamburger. Signs along Massachusetts' heavily travelled Route 93 near Boston, which until a few weeks ago read "Trucks and Buses Prohibited in Left Lane", now read "Trucks and Buses Prohibited from Left Lane...

Fiction V-In Vishnuland I'll Take No Stand by S. J. Perelman. Twenty-three nights after leaving London's Reform Club to begin his journey around the world, writer finds himself in Jaipur's Rambagh Palace Hotel in north-central India awaiting elephant transport to the city of Madras where he will get a ship. In contrast to his dishevelled appearance, his companion Sally...

On Television THE AIR AFTERNOON TELEVISION: UNHAPPINESS ENOUGH, AND TIME by Renata Adler. Overall look at television soap opera...

The Talk of the Town Jonelle Alle by George W. S. Trow. Talk story about actress Jonelle Allen. Miss Allen was wearing a fur coat which she called Lisa Lynx which came from the Ritz, Thrift Shop...

Fiction The Lotus-Eater by Harry L. Mountzoures. Victor Lamon and his wife, Ellen, are at home on Sun. nite when they receive a telephone call from Victor's younger brother, Joey. Their mother has drunk almost a whole bottle of rye and is lying in the middle of the living room floor, moaning and crying. Victor & Ellen...

The Race Track by G. F. T. Ryall. Writer reports another pleasant weekend of racing at Philadelphia's Liberty Bell and is sorry the meeting ended last Saturday. John J. Finley, Jr. & his associates in the Eagle Downs Racing Association, who put on the show had their most successful meeting...

Poetry Walking Out by Stanley Plumly. I would walk out of this flesh...

Poetry John 1:14 by Jorge Luis Borges. This page will be no less a riddle...

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New Yorker Magazine - February 12, 1972 - Cover by James Stevenson

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