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New Yorker Magazine - November 3, 1975 - Cover by Eugene Mihaesco
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New Yorker Magazine - November 3, 1975 - Cover by Eugene Mihaesco
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the November 3, 1975 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine was carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover. It does not have a mailing label and never had one.

Cover artist: Eugene Mihaesco
Publication Date: November 3, 1975
Page Count: 172 pages
In this issue:

Our Far-Flung Correspondents SQUATTERS by Calvin Trillin. OUR FAR-FLUNG CORRESPONDENTS about squatting in London where British squatting is concentrated. There are 20 to 30,000 squatters there. Unlike the U.S., Great Britain has no criminal statute against trespass. Tells about squatting in 1945 which resulted from the severe housing shortage after the war. This squatting movement ended...

Jazz New York Notes by Whitney Balliett.

The Talk of the Town It Must Be Something by Brendan Gill. Talk story about a day in Astoria Park, when the sculpture "Victor's Lament", by Mark di Suvero, was going up. Astoria Park is along the Queens bank of the East River. The eminent American sculptor Mark di Suvero was there with a 4-man crew and a 35-ton hydraulic...

Comment by E. J. Kahn. Interview with Cyrus S. Eaton who wrote a letter to the NY Times urging the Federal Government to come to the financial rescue of NYC. Eaton, the man who practically invented detente and owner of a Lenin Peace Prize, was interviewed on his farm outside of Cleveland. He will be...


Musical Events Enchantress by Andrew Porter.

The Talk of the Town Out of the West by Hendrik Hertzberg. Talk story about Ronald Reagan, the featured speaker at the thirteenth anniversary dinner of the Conservative Party of the State of New York. The dinner was held in the Grand Ballroom of the Americana Hotel. James Buckley, New York's junior senator, was among the speakers. He did not refer to...

Cartoon The Veterans Of The Spanish-American War Assemble For A Photograph, And Then Disperse by James Stevenson. Two illustrations. The first shows a large group of men with mustaches, some in uniform, some in civilian clothes, standing before a building called City Mission. The second illustration shows the empty street...

Annals of Law THE LIBERTY OF EVERY MAN by Richard Harris. ANNALS OF LAW about the case of Alan & Margaret McSureley, whose rights under the 4th Amendment were violated. They were poverty workers in Pike County, Ky. Their papers were subpoenaed & they were ordered to appear before the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations which was investigating unrest in the...

Fiction Sweeping Formalities and Offstage Flourishes by Katie Louchheim. The writer describes the four-decade long friendship between her mother, Mrs. Scofield and Albert Ashton Berg, the famous surgeon and book collector. Both of German Jewish descent, they met in 1912. Mrs. Scofield was a socially prominent, though no longer wealthy woman, active in charities and cultural events. Dr...

The Talk of the Town Opening by George W. S. Trow. Talk story about Peggy Lee's opening at the Empire Room in the Waldorf-Astoria. The writer complained of the "horrible long then tables" and the "unsuccessful" color scheme. Peggy Lee's pastel was successful, also her songs, many by Jerry Leiber & Mike Stoller, in a mode writer calls bittersweet, with...

The Race Track Pace Makes Waste by G. F. T. Ryall. He trains Group Plan and other Hobeau Farm horses for Jack Dreyfus, Jr...

Letter from Washington by Richard H. Rovere. The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, chaired by Sen. Frank Church, of Idaho, has been at work for 10 mos. with a staff of more than 100. The corresponding House committee, chaired by Rep. Otis Pike of N.Y., has a staff of 30. Although what has been made public can...

Dancing Backfire by Arlene Croce.

The Current Cinema Horseplay by Pauline Kael.

Fiction Problems by John Updike. The problems faced by a man who has left his wife and four children for a younger woman are presented in the form of math problems. The man, A, though sleeping with B, dreams of C and awakes, longing for her. The question is, who has he betrayed, B or...

Poetry Snowheart by Tess Gallagher. In our houses, the snow keeps us...

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New Yorker Magazine - November 3, 1975 - Cover by Eugene Mihaesco

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