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New Yorker Magazine - August 4, 1986 - Cover by Roz Chast
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This item is already soldNew Yorker Magazine - August 4, 1986 - Cover by Roz Chast
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the August 4, 1986 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine has been carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover.

Cover artist: Roz Chast
Publication Date: August 4, 1986
Page Count: 88 pages
In this issue:

The Sporting Scene SHINNECOCK HILLS AND ANOTHER OLD-TIMER by Herbert Warren Wind. THE SPORTING SCENE about the Shinnecock Hills golf course, and the U.S. Open, which was held there from June 12th through June 15th. Gives history of the golf course, which was designed in 1891 by Willie Dunn. The following year Stanford White designed their clubhouse, the first golf clubhouse in...

Around City Hall The Golden Door by Andy Logan. Writer tells why 1986 is the year of Italian-Americans. In Feb., 1985, Rudolph Giuliani, U.S. District Attorney for New York's Southern District, announced the indictment of 9 top members of New York's Bonnano, Cololbo, Genovese, Gambino, & Luchese familes, who according to the indictment, constitute organized crime's ruling "commission...

The Talk of the Town Bright Trucks by Mark Singer. Talk story about the pink concrete trucks in the fleet of Principe-Danna, Inc., of Long Island City, a supplier of ready-mixed concrete. Lynn Carroll, the company's operations manager, had the idea of painting the trucks pink. Seven months ago a law went into effect that reduced the maximum...

Dancing by Arlene Croce.

The Art World (The Art Galleries) by Calvin Tomkins.

The Talk of the Town Ultimately Offering Olives by Lillian Ross. Talk story about the Thirty-secondAnnual International Fancy Food and Confection Show at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center and about one of the exhibitors, Sotiris Kitrilakis, a purveyor of Greek delicacies. There were 725 exhibitors at the show. Mr. Kitrilakis, president & founder of a California-based food-importing...

Comment by Jonathan Schell. It does not astound us to find that the rosy predictions for the national and world economies of just a few months ago have suddenly darkened, and that economists are now warning us of slow growth (if any), of unemployment, of insufficient demand, of growing debt, and of frailty in...

A Reporter at Large THE LAST PLUM by Burton Bernstein. REPORTER AT LARGE about the 12-day flight around the world on one tank of gas, which will be taken by the Voyager in September. Last Feb. writer went to Mojave, California, the home base of the Voyager, to see how the airplane and its crew were making out...

Fiction Time Alone by Alice Adams. Story takes place in Mexico, at a reasonably-priced resort with shabby charm, where a number of guests are staying during the month of January. Lila Lewisohn, a middle-aged psychiatrist, has come for a rest; Noel Blackwood, a former actor who had been blacklisted during the McCarthy purge, has...

Fiction Ghostly by Alan Ziegler. Story about a man who receives weekly visits from an unusual ghost, who forgoes the usual ghoulish theatrics, such as clanking chains, creaking footsteps, howls and shrieks, for his own hand-shadow puppetry. Instead of blood to leave messages on walls, he uses jelly from doughnuts, and then apologizes and...

Books by James Lardner.

The Talk of the Town Distance by William McKibben. Talk story about the Aerobie, invented by Stanford professor Alan Adler. The Aerobie is like a Frisbee with the center cut out, and goes farther on the fly than any other human-propelled inert object. Adler teamed up with Scott Zimmerman for a series of demonstrations (Zimmerman is 7 times...

Poetry From a Journal of the Year of the Ox by Charles Wright. On my fiftieth birthday I awoke...

Click on image to zoom.
New Yorker Magazine - August 4, 1986 - Cover by Roz Chast

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