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1912 Fenton Advertising Labels Catalog With Samples & Envelope
Item #a997
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This item is already sold1912 Fenton Advertising Labels Catalog With Samples & Envelope
Advertising   Label   Sticker   Catalog   Sample   Envelope
The pictures show views of this 1912 Fenton Advertising Labels Catalog With Samples & Envelope. This lot is from the Fenton Label Company of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The catalog has (36) pages filled with images of different sample labels. Also included are the sample labels pictured as well as the original order form and the company envelope. There is a Carter & Rice paper card sample too. The sample labels are for the following:

Black Hawk Coffee, Spice, & Tea
Camel Coffee
Banner Brand Eggs
Spencer Optical Company
National Dental Laboratory and Supplies Company

The envelope has the Fenton Label Companys own label applied, a one cent George Washington postage stamp, and it has a 1912 postmark. To judge the sizes the catalog measures 4'' x 8-7/8''. All but the envelope are in mint condition. The envelope has wear and tear as pictured. Below here is a long list of some of the many company advertising on the labels in the catalog:

Flex Manufacturing Co., Boston, Massachusetts
Gimbel Bros. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
H. Hart Pianos & Organs Chester, Pa.
Albert Abraham Optician Philadelphia, Pa.
Venus Pefumes, Utica New York
F. H. Ray, Pure Pepsin, Magnolia, New Jersey
Dr. G. E. Page, Elk River, Minnesota
Arnott & Co., Inc.,Agricultural Implements, Wagons, Vehicles, & Harness, Los Angeles, California
Eureka Hair Tonic, Carroll, Iowa
Elastic Abdominal Belt
W. Frank Murphy, Montreal, Canada
C. F. Merriam Photographer, South Amboy, New Jersey
Smoke Elk Cigars
Soo Lumber Co.,Sault Ste Marie, Michigan
20th Century M. O. House, Chicago, Illinois
American Blade & Razor Co., Reading, Pa.
Shand Builders Supply
The Atlantic Wreckage Co., Atlanta, Georgia
Chew Sweet Breads Tobacco
Brown Printing Co., Camden, Arkansas
Strong-Bak Ledgers
Saratoga Chips, Pottsville Noodle Co.
The Oneonta Grocery Co., Oneonta, N.Y.
Purity Fresh Roasted Coffee
Scully's Teas
Clarke Bros., Scranton, Pa.
Lulu Tulu Cigar
American Type Founders Company, Spokane, Washington
The Gold Seal Tournament Casting Line
Arbutus Brand Pure Sliced Cod Fish, Scranton, Pa.
Blue Label Bourbon, Katz Bros., Salt Lake City, Utah
Marran & McGuire East Liverpool Tea Co. Tea, Coffee, Spices, & Baking Powder
G. C. Seidel & Co., Insurance & Real Estate Philadelphia, Pa.
Drink A Sparkler and Be Happy
The United States Incorporating Company, Philadelphia, Pa.
Bernheimer & Sundheim, Real Estate & Insurance, Philadelphia, Pa.
P. L. Cherry Co., Inc. Portland, Oregon
Keystone Silk Weaving Co., Woven Silk Labels, Philadelphia, Pa.
Faulkner's Fine Teas & Fresh Roasted Coffee
Holland Laundry, Philadelphia, Pa.
Waldorf 5c Cigars
Beam's Candies
Barney's Pure Malt, S. Schoenthal, Philadelphia, Pa.
Berliner Weiss Bier Star Bottling Co.
Sparkler Root Beer American Specialty Co., Allegheny, Pa.
Horace D. Reeve & Co., Real Estate Insurance, Philadelphia, Pa.
Lemon Soda, Garr Bottler, Philadelphia, Penn.
Duesseldorfer Beer, Indianapolis Brewing Co., Indiana
M. S. Frenchie Cigars, Philadelphia, Pa.
Pine Bros. Chocolates
Keystone Electric Co. Olean, N.Y.
Chas. E. Andrews Studio,Post Cards & Picture Framing, Port Clinton, Ohio
The Electro-Ad Co., Detroit, Michigan
Adam Dorsam Wines & Liquors, Philadelphia, Pa.
Katz Bros.
White Star Laundry, Bangor, Maine
Theo. G. Rambo, Varnishes, Paint, & Glass, Philadelphia, Pa.
Old Reliable Horse Radish, Altoona, Pa.
Old Whiskey, Wm. McGillan, Philadelphia, Pa.
Taylor's Rugs, Furniture, Carpet, Draperies, Wall Papers, Inianapolis, Indiana
Drink John's Teas Peterborough (N.H. ?)
Montana Loan and Abstract Company, Glasgow, Montana
Perfection Face Cream, Richards Co., Perryville, Rhode Island
Reinhard & Co. Coffee & Tea House
Star Exploders, Star Electric Fuze Works, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Zeisse's Hotel Philadelphia, Pa.
Imperial Syrup, Lebanon, Penna.
Yale Chemical Company, New York City, N.Y.
Clayton-Daynes Music Co., Salt Lake City, Utah
Shaker Thread Co. Pawtucket, R.I.
Beef Tallow, Corvallis Meat Co., Corvallis, Oregon
The Gem Amusement Company
Kline's Cigar Store, Somersville, N.J.
Raritan Ink & Chemical Co., Perth Amboy, N.J.

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1912 Fenton Advertising Labels Catalog With Samples & Envelope 1912 Fenton Advertising Labels Catalog With Samples & Envelope 1912 Fenton Advertising Labels Catalog With Samples & Envelope 1912 Fenton Advertising Labels Catalog With Samples & Envelope 1912 Fenton Advertising Labels Catalog With Samples & Envelope

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