| | Any group of items being offered as a lot must be sold as a lot. | |  | Worldwide Sales | An Ever Changing Inventory | You can feel secure shopping with PayPal. | Whether you've collected Memorabilia for years or just want to feel like a kid again, please take a few moments to browse through what we have available for sale. | Fast Dependable Service | It's never too late to have a happy childhood! | You don't have to be an eight year old to enjoy having a childhood treasure. |
| | | The pictures show all (44) Old Wacky Packages Stickers / Trading Cards in this lot. These are all ©1980 Topps Chewing Gum, Inc.. Included are the following: Cents (Certs) Killy Putty (Silly Putty) Clunky Candy (Chunky) Scary Jane Candy (Mary Jane) Mold Power (Cold Power) Heavy Trash Bags (Hefty) Life Servers Candy (LifeSavers) Casket Soap (Cascade) Tic-Toc Candy (Tic Tac) FIB Deterrent (Fab) Seventon (Seventeen) Stinkertoy (Tinkertoy) Barman Barroom Tissue (Charmin) Pollydent (Polident) Buz Detergent (Biz) Toad Bubble Bath (Tide) Creep Toothpaste (Crest) Mr. Mean (Mr. Clean) Beastball Bubble Gum (Baseball Cards) Shorts Illustrated Magazine (Sports Illustrated) Screech Tape (Scotch) Playskull (Playskool) Nooseweek Magazine (Newsweek) Playbug Magazine (Playboy) Balding Football (Spalding) Fearasil (Clearasil) Irish Ring Soap (Irish Spring) Hamel Cigarettes (Camel) Shingle's Plaster Chips (Pringle's) Copperbone Lotion (Coppertone) Cracked Lighter (Cricket) Under World Ham (Underwood) Pepto-Dismal (Pepto-Bismol) Oscar Moron Bacon (Oscar Mayer) Duck and Hide (Duncan Hines) Ape Green Beans (A&P) Ain't Toothpaste (Aim) Sell'em Cigarettes (Salem) Duxie Cups (Dixie Cups) Electric Slave (Lectric Shave) Earth Bum Shampoo (Earth Born) Ghoul Humor (Good Humor) Milk of Amnesia (Phillips' Milk of Magnesia) Milk Muds Candy (Milk Duds) These each measure 2-1/2" x 3-1/2". These appear to range from near mint to mint condition. |
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