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New Yorker Magazine - July 31, 1978 - Cover by Gretchen Dow Simpson
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New Yorker Magazine - July 31, 1978 - Cover by Gretchen Dow Simpson
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the July 31, 1978 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine has been carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover.

Cover artist: Gretchen Dow Simpson
Publication Date: July 31, 1978
Page Count: 80 pages
In this issue:

The Race Track by G. F. T. Ryall. His and Barry Beal's Terlingua won the Hollywood Lassie Stakes...

Profiles COMING OUT AGAIN by Whitney Balliett. PROFILE of Anita Ellis, American popular singer. Tells about acute stagefright Miss Ellis suffers from. Describes her apartment on East End Ave., which she shares with her husband, Mortimer Shapiro, a neurologist who enjoys big-game hunting. Miss Ellis also loves the wilderness. Tells about her childhood in the woods...

The Talk of the Town Sandwich Ideas by Mark Singer. Talk story about the National Sandwich Idea Contest finals at La Folie, a restaurant on East 61 St. Describes the contest, several contestants. and their entries. Marilyn Hicks of Webster, Texas was there. She has entered the contest for twelve years running with astounding success. Describes her creation, the Padio...

Letter from Addis Ababa by Joseph Kraft. The military junta, the Dergue, took power from Emporer Haile Selassie in Sept. 1974, declared itself a Socialist regime in December, and in subsequent months nationalized banks and insurance companies and ordered land reform in both countryside and cities. Tells about life in Addis Ababa before and after the revolution...

Fiction The Leap by Donald Barthelme. Interior dialogue of man trying to make a leap of faith to believe in God. He thinks he will do it today, though he's been putting it off a long time. He begins to root out his sins but it gets painful so he tries instead to meditate on God's...

Fiction In the City by Katherine Bouton. Jane Conroy tells about her grandfather, Harvey Forbes Franklin. She visited her grandparents in New Jersey when she was ten, and Grandpa, took her to Radio City Music Hall. He had retired early from his job as an optician and had no visible means of support. Every Tuesday he left...

The Talk of the Town Party for a Political Prisoner by Ved Mehta. Talk story about B.P. Koirala, the only elected Prime Minister of Nepal, who served from 1959-60 and who has been a political prisoner on and off in that country ever since. Koirala is in the US for medical treatment Writer talked with him at party given in his honor at...

Anglers by Ian Frazier. On the paved shore of the Harlem Meer, one of 6 ponds in city parks stocked with bullhead catfish by the State Department of Environmental Conservation, boys fish with improvised equipment--a striped sock for a fishing line, a set of keys for a sinker. Across the pond, a man...

The Talk of the Town In the Sidewalk by James Stevenson. Illustrated talk story about mini-manhole covers embedded in the sidewalk within a couple blocks around Amsterdam Ave. in the 70's. Writer explains that some are caps to fuel-oil lines, some are covers to valves that turn gas on and off, and some larger ones provide access to...

The Current Cinema A Benison by Penelope Gilliatt.

Comment by Jonathan Schell. When the Soviet Union decided to put Anatoly Shcharansky and Aleksandr Ginzburg on trial at the same time Andrei Gromyko and Cyrus Vance met in Geneva for the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT), two principles close to American hearts collided: human liberty and human survival. U.S. reaction against the trials...

Poetry Come Into The Night Grove by Elizabeth Libbey. These trees don't hear...

Poetry The Fox Who Watched for the Midnight Sun by Norman Dubie. Across the snowy pasturage of the estate...

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New Yorker Magazine - July 31, 1978 - Cover by Gretchen Dow Simpson

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