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New Yorker Magazine - September 17, 1984 - Cover by Gretchen Dow Simpson
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New Yorker Magazine - September 17, 1984 - Cover by Gretchen Dow Simpson
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the September 17, 1984 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine has been carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover.

Cover artist: Gretchen Dow Simpson
Publication Date: September 17, 1984
Page Count: 144 pages
In this issue:

The Current Cinema ROGER & EDWINA, SHEENA AND UNCLE JEAN by Pauline Kael.

The Talk of the Town Amazing by William McKibben. Talk story about the Amazing Kreskin, a mentalist who has made nearly 300 appearances on the Mike Douglas, Merv Griffin & Johnny Carson shows. Phyllis Diller once called him "a male witch who should be burned at the stake." After writer went to a new McDonald's in Times Square...

Comment by Lynn Caraganis. A letter from a woman we know, who writes: Even though I'm an ordinary citizen I just got a letter from Senator Jake Garn asking me to join the Peace Through Strength U.S. Congressional Advisory Board. Tells about the board, and how much she would have to pay to join...

Comment Comment(Part 2) by James Stevenson. Our friend whose daughter is an artist on Cape Cod & supports herself by doing masonry or digging quahogs & bay scallops has passed on a recent letter from her: "I was trying to paint portraits, but the last commission I did, the guy looked at the painting...

The Talk of the Town The Interpretive Miller of Philipsburg Manor by Henry S. F. Cooper. Talk story about a visit with Charles Howell, who operates the mill at Philipsburg Manor, an early-eighteenth-century historic site in North Tarrytown run by Sleepy Hollow Restorations. The mill is a reconstructed grist and flour mill. Mr. Howell, who was dressed in eighteenth-century miller's garb, is a...

Our Far-Flung Correspondents FULL BASKET by Calvin Trillin. OUR FAR-FLUNG CORRESPONDENTS about shopping in the markets of Provence, France. The writer was staying this summer just outside a town called Saint-Remy, only 30 or 40 miles away from the farmhouse of a woman named Nathalie Waag, who takes in a few boarders at a time for...

The Talk of the Town Green &Yellow & by William McKibben. Talk story about Jean-Marc Roget, President of Chartreuse Diffusion, who is in charge of marketing Chartreuse, the green & yellow French liqueurs. He was in N.Y. last week for a public relations gathering at the Parker-Meridian Hotel to mark the 900th anniversary of the founding of the...

A Trinidad Childhood BEYOND THE DRAGON'S MOUTH by Shiva Naipaul. A TRINIDAD CHILDHOOD about the writer's youth in Trinidad in the West Indies. He is of Indian ancestry-a Hindu. He begins by recalling his second year at Oxford, 1966. He tells how severely shocked he was by the sudden death of a fellow-studen, also a Hindu from Trinidad...

Fiction End of the Trail by Garrison Keillor. The last cigarette smokers in America were located in a box canyon south of Donner Pass in the High Sierra by 2 federal tobacco agents in a helicopter who spotted little smoke puffs just before noon. The district chief called in the ground team & 6 men, members of...

Jazz by Whitney Balliett.

Fiction Orr Mount by Douglas Dunn. Monty Gault was the local small-time builder, joiner & handyman in Dryfask, Scotland. When the Hendersons moved into Orr Mount they called him for help. Renovating the entire house was a windfall that provided Gault with 3 months guaranteed income. He tried to be sociable to the Hendersons...

Poetry The Heavenly Feast by Gertrude Schnackenberg. Only the stones at first/Seem to have a part in this...

Poetry Dreams of a Work by L. S. Asekoff. Waking to the chimes, I say, /"This could be China."/Then...

Poetry Summerfall by May Swenson. After"the glorious Fourth," summer tumbles down. /An old...

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New Yorker Magazine - September 17, 1984 - Cover by Gretchen Dow Simpson

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