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(19) Old Police or Policeman Related Children’s Toys
Item #j097
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(19) Old Police or Policeman Related Children's Toys
Police   Policeman   Officer   Cop   Crime   Criminal   Occupation   Occupational   Child   Children   Novelty   Nostalgic   Toy   Doll   Figure   Figurine   Motorcycle   Car   Auto   Automobile   Whistle
The picture shows a view of all (19) Old Police or Policeman Related Children's Toys in this lot. These items are not dated but they are believed to range from the 1930s to the 1980s. Included are the following items:

There are (2) different unopened ''Mascot Police'' officer dolls (top left). They have matching header cards that picture police dolls from Canada, America, Spain, France, Japan, & England. The two dolls included here are the American and the Japanese ones. These also have strings at the top to hang them like ornaments. These were made in Hong Kong.

There are (2) more different police officer dolls (center). One is made of celluloid and is the oldest item in this lot. Unfortunately he is missing one arm. The celluloid doll or figure was made in Japan. The other one has a fuzzy flocked blue uniform and applied gold stickers. This one also has a string at the top.

Next is an old wooden toy billie club or baton. The club was once attached to the colorful backing card (center). It was a part of a lit that included the club, a pistol, a badge, and the hat on the card. The card has wear and tears. Part of the hat is torn and a piece on the left side is missing. The items were attached with an elastic string which is still there. The colorful card pictures a police officer with a gun, and two police officers on motorcycles.

Next there is an old carded and unused toy police ''Whistle with Chain''. It has the metal whistle and chain on a card that pictures a police officer in uniform. It was made in Japan.

There are (6) old toy police squad cars. One is larger and (5) are smaller. These are made of hard and soft colored plastic. The larger one is a green Plasticville car that was painted blue and it has ''Police'' written on the sides.

There is a small metal and plastic cap gun on a key chain. You can insert and fire a single cap at a time. It needs a cleaning inside, but it does work.

There is an unused paper sheet with (4) finger print decals. The other items in this lot are a toy police watch, a small policeman play set figure, a police uniform hat, and a small playset police barricade.

All of these items for one price! To judge the sizes the police whistle backing card measures about 1-9/16'' x 6''. These items appear to range from fair to mint condition as pictured.

Click on image to zoom.
(19) Old Police or Policeman Related Children’s Toys

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