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New Yorker Magazine - January 26, 1976 - Cover by Eugene Mihaesco
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New Yorker Magazine - January 26, 1976 - Cover by Eugene Mihaesco
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the January 26, 1976 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine has been carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover.

Cover artist: Eugene Mihaesco
Publication Date: January 26, 1976
Page Count: 112 pages
In this issue:

The Talk of the Town British Goods by Anthony Hiss. Talk story about last week's sale, at Gimbel's, of 154 school desks from Eton & Harrow, the English public schools. The desks sold out, at $150 each, within two hours. Each ca e with a "Certificate of Authenticy" and a photostat of a receipt signed by the Eton or Harrow...

The Current Cinema Dirty Harry with Weltschmerz by Pauline Kael. Review of "Hustle", written by Steve Shagan, directed by Robert Aldrich...

Fiction Life After Death by Elizabeth Cullinan. An unmarried woman in her 30's, Constance, tells about people and incidents from her life in New York City. Constance works, parttime, in the Admissions Office of the college she attended. She goes to the college to pick up her paycheck, and after leaving the Office, attends evening Mass...

Books Crossed Lines by George Steiner.

Comment by Herbert Warren Wind. The death of Agatha Christie, whose mystery novels were best-sellers for over five decades and, in toto, sold over four hundred million copies-very likely more than the output of any other twentieth-century writer-put us in mind of many things. Dame Christie, 85 when she died, produced...

The Talk of the Town Crossing by Anthony Hiss. Talk stay about Sgt. Walter Robinson, a black 30-year old carpenter in the U.S. Army, who is stationed at Fort Bragg, N. C. He walked across the Hudson River last Tuesday morning from Guttenberg, N.J. to Manhattan, on special shoes of his own design. He is hoping to get...

Musical Events Verdi and Violettas by Andrew Porter.

The Talk of the Town British Goods by Ian Frazier. Talk story about last week's sale, at Gimbel's, of 154 school desks from Eton and Harrow, the English public schools. The desks sold out, at $150.00 each, within two hours. Each came with a Certificate of Authenticity and a photostat of a receipt signed by the Eton or Harrow bursar...

Fiction The Kenning by Jorge Luis Borges. The medieval Germanic poetic line is made up of two half lines with alliteration of a certain consonantal group. The poetry was usually in epic form and the themes were limited. Alliteration forced the poet to coin synonyms, which in the Germanic languages, led to the formation of compound words...

The Talk of the Town The Smew by Faith McNulty. Talk story about the arrival, in Newport, Rhode Island, of a waterfowl, the smew, indigenous to northern Europe and Asia. It is a merganser and looks like a small, white diving duck with a crested head. It is the first smew in recorded history to fly, under its own steam...

Letter from London by Mollie Panter-Downes. Sir Thomas Monnington, president of the Royal Academy died the day before the opening of "The Golden Age of Spanish Painting" at the Academy, a show which had long been his cherished ambition. He introduced a lot of new ideas into the venerable Academy, one of them was to admit...

The Race Track Hope for Hialeah by G. F. T. Ryall. Joe Kronovich, the trainer and part owner of Right Mind, was once a linebacker for the Green Bay Packers and later for the Dallas Cowboys. He is the only football player the writer knows of who has become a horse trainer. He bought Right Mind 3 years ago & has...

A Reporter at Large THE STAR AND THE CHORUS by Lis Harris. REPORTER AT LARGE about Nell Fox, one of the best-known terrier breeders in the U.S. She is in her late sixties and has spent some 20 years trying to popularize the Australian terrier. She came to the U.S. from New Zealand when she was 14. After unrelenting effort, Mrs...

Comment by Victor Chen. Obituary of Premier Chou En-lai, who died Jan. 8, 1976...

Dancing More or Less Terrific by Arlene Croce.

Letter from South Korea by Robert Shaplen. Two years ago the U.S. was in the process of disengagement in Korea. Now, after Vietnam, we h ve become more concerned. By reaffirming our support of the repressive govt. of S. Korea's Pres. Park Chung Hee we have encouraged his policies. He feels he can risk our disapproval on...

Poetry Moving Away by Gary Soto. Remember that you are moving away sister...

Poetry The Banjo by Robert Winner. There is some demon turning me into an old man...

Poetry Five Poems by Roberto Juarroz. If we knew the point...

Click on image to zoom.
New Yorker Magazine - January 26, 1976 - Cover by Eugene Mihaesco

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