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New Yorker Magazine - July 30, 1973 - Cover by Mischa Richter
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New Yorker Magazine - July 30, 1973 - Cover by Mischa Richter
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the July 30, 1973 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine was carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover. It does not have a mailing label and never had one.

Cover artist: Mischa Richter
Publication Date: July 30, 1973
Page Count: 72 pages
In this issue:

Books by Kennedy Fraser.

Comment by Jonathan Schell. In the course of the Watergate hearings last week, it was learned that in the spring of 1971 Pres. Nixon secretly ordered that every conversation he held in the Oval Office, in the Exec. Office Bldg., & in the White House Cabinet Room be automatically taped by means of bugs...

The Talk of the Town by George W. S. Trow. Talk story about a party celebrating Flower and Vegetable Week at the Museum of Contemporary Crafts. The participants dressed in vegetables. Paul Smith, museum director, said that the museum had already had Dream Images Week and that Feet Week was coming up soon. Robert Kushner, an artist and restaurant manager...

Fiction The Creature by Edna O'Brien. Story narrated by a teacher who came to a small town in western Ireland to forget an unhappy love affair. She often visited an old woman in her seventies called The Creature. A widow, she had lived alone for 17 yrs., since her son's wife had slung her off the...

The Talk of the Town Bit Players by Hendrik Hertzberg. Talk story about two interesting-looking people who sit behind the senators and the chief counsels at the Watergate hearings. One of them is Polly Dement, a research assistant to the Select Committee. Dement works in the same building as Rufus Edmisten, the deputy chief counsel of the Committee as...

Dancing Tales Untold by Arlene Croce.

Fiction Heart of Light by Henry Bromell. Sam Richardson, 35 & a State Dept. diplomat in Washington, D.C., drives home on a Friday night to the suburb of Alexandria, Va. He greets his wife Laura & 2 sons, Scobie, 8 & Matthew, 5. He also has a baby Quentin. After the boys go to bed, Sam &...

The Talk of the Town Two Gatherings by George W. S. Trow. Talk story about a dedicatory Shinto ceremony outside the Hotel Kitano (formerly the Murray Hotel), the first Japanese hotel in New York. The hotel, located at Park Avenue and Thirty-eighth St., is owned by the Kitano Construction Company and is expected to appeal to Japanese visitors to New York...

A Reporter at Large LOVE OF COUNTRY by Daniel Lang. REPORTER AT LARGE about the case of Susan Cook Russo, a young art teacher, who was fired in June 1970 from Sperry High School in Henrietta, N.Y. (a Rochester suburb), for not saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Before her conflict with Principal Donald Loughlin, she was highly commended for her...

Comment by Richard Harris. Mention. On the day that the Senate approved (77 votes strong) the Alaskan oil pipeline, the F.T.C. charged that the 8 major U.S. oil companies have conspired for more than 20 years to eliminate competition, to keep prices artificially high, & to create shortages of oil & gas...

The Current Cinema Local Inflammations by Penelope Gilliatt. Wrote screenplay for "Bade 373...

The Race Track Soggy Suburban by G. F. T. Ryall. Cites a "N.Y. Bets" T-shirt, which can be obtained free upon opening a $10. telephone account with OTB...

Poetry John Chapman by Richard Wilbur. Beside the Brokenstraw or Licking Creek...

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New Yorker Magazine - July 30, 1973 - Cover by Mischa Richter

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