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New Yorker Magazine - December 25, 1978 - Cover by Andre Francois
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New Yorker Magazine - December 25, 1978 - Cover by Andre Francois
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the December 25, 1978 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine has been carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover.

Cover artist: Andre Francois
Publication Date: December 25, 1978
Page Count: 72 pages
In this issue:

Books by Alastair Reid.

Reflections ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT by William Pfaff. REFLECTIONS on problems in economic development of Third World countries. British industrialism spread quickly to Western Europe and North America, but of nations in Asia, Latin America, and Africa, only Japan Korea, and Taiwan have successfully developed on Western industrial models. Since Japan transformed itself from a feudal society to...

The Talk of the Town New Uses by Anthony Hiss. Talk story about reuse of old buildings and a day-long symposium on this subject entitled "Buildings Reborn: New Uses, Old Places. It was held at the Museum of the City of New York. 425 architects, city planners, businessmen, builders, curators, and others along with a member of Congress and...

Greetings, Friends! by Roger Angell. Rap, rap! To order! May we dispense...

Musical Events by Andrew Porter.

The Talk of the Town Bags by Jane Boutwell. Talk story about the recent luncheon held to open the exhibition "The Shopping Bag: Portable Graphic Art" at the Cooper-Hewitt Museum. The luncheon meal was served in a bag, the wine in plastic cups and conversation centered on the function and design of paper and plastic. A thirty-four...

Fiction Uncles by Saul Steinberg. Cartoon spread. Five drawings showing various family groups in old-fashioned clothing...

Letter from London by Mollie Panter-Downes. Thames Television is airing a 7-part serial "Edward and Mrs. Simpson" about the abdication of Edward VIII for marriage to Wallis Simpson. The Royal Family is reported to disapprove. The script by Simon Raven follows the biography of Edward VIII by Lady Donaldson. Edward Fox plays King Edward, Cynthia...

Around City Hall AROUND CITY HALL BUOYED by Andy Logan. In the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, there has been increasingly bitter conflict between blacks & Chassidim. The Chassidim in the city may number as many as 150,000, while the blacks and Hispanics number perhaps three million. They vote in full force on Election Day, in contrast to members of...

Profiles HER OWN BEST DISPUTANT (Actress) by Penelope Gilliatt.

The Current Cinema PODS by Pauline Kael.

Fiction How I Did It by Ian Frazier. In a breathless, conversational style, the writer describes, simulatenously, a military ambush, cheating on college-board exams, being stopped by and charming a highway patrolman, eliciting a telephone number from a strange woman, a visit to the local watering hole with friends and asking for a dance. The writer tells...

Fiction Far Away In Australia by Edna O'Brien. In Ireland, the writer spent each childhood summer with her aunt, her mother's parents and two cousins, not far from her own home. She recalls the summer when she was eight-years-old and the ambivalent feelings she had toward her mother at that time. While at her grandparents' home...

Comment by Donald Barthelme. Comment (mock) about an interview with H.R.H. Tutankhamun, last pharoh of the eighteenth dynasty, in his suite at the Stanhope Hotel. The show of his "Treasures" was about to open at the Met, and it was a sellout before the first customer hit the noble steps. It is an exhibit...

The Talk of the Town Good-Looking by George W. S. Trow. Talk story about a reception at The Players to honor ninety-five year old Eubie Blake who composed music for "Shuffle Along" in 1921, for "Elsie" in 1923, for "The Chocolate Dandies" in 1924, for "Blackbirds of 1930," and for "Shuffle Along of 1933," and who is represented currently on...

The Talk of the Town In Translation by Jane Boutwell. Talk story about translator Willard Trask, who received the Translation Canter's first gold medal at a meeting at its hq. in the Mathematics Bldg. at Columbia Univ. Tells about speeches made honoring Trask and what was said about the aft of translation. The Translation Center is a clearing house for...

Poetry The Ruins at Monte Alban by Andrew Grossbardt. From these hills high above Oaxaca...

Poetry Getting Through by Stephen Dobyns. A white jacket and white summer dress...

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New Yorker Magazine - December 25, 1978 - Cover by Andre Francois

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