Item #m124 |  Price: $19.99 $6 shipping & handling For Sale
  | | Any group of items being offered as a lot must be sold as a lot. | | Don't forget to bookmark this site. | An Ever Changing Inventory | Fast Dependable Service | Combined Shipping And Handling | We have an extensive inventory that is not yet on our web site. If there is something you are looking for and did not find, please send us your wish list. | Great memories make great gifts! | Quality Merchandise At Reasonable Prices | It's never too late to have a happy childhood! |
| | | The picture below shows larger front and back views of this 1961 Freedom 7 Amvets Space Capsule Advertising Souvenir Token Coin Medallion. This coin appears to be made of gold colored aluminum. It has a hole at the top, as made, to hang it as a charm, pendant, or medallion. One side has a raised image of the Freedom 7 space capsule. The other side has the Pledge of Allegiance. It is also marked as follows: FREEDOM 7 MAY 5, 1961 (Pledge of Allegiance) AMVETS The coin measures about 1'' wide. It appears to be in excellent condition as pictured. |
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