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New Yorker Magazine - August 26, 1974 - Cover by Andre Francois
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This item is already soldNew Yorker Magazine - August 26, 1974 - Cover by Andre Francois
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the August 26, 1974 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine was carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover. It does not have a mailing label and never had one.

Cover artist: Andre Francois
Publication Date: August 26, 1974
Page Count: 92 pages
In this issue:

The Race Track by G. F. T. Ryall. At the Keeneland Sales last month $250,000 was paid on behalf of Robin Scully, who races in France & England, for a bay colt by Northern Dancer out of Fleur...

Fiction Primal Therapy by Linda Grace Hoyer. Marty preferred dying in the hospital, after ten yrs. of heart disease. Three days after his death, his wife Ada listened to the eloquent funeral sermon delivered by Pastor Neal. The pastor, whose eyes were filled with tears, spoke of a Marty whom she seemed to have known somewhat as...

Comment by Jonathan Schell. As the Nixon Adm. approached its end, the President's supporters dwindled One was Rep. Earl Landgrebe, of Ind who said, "I'm sticking by my Pres... Don't confuse me with facts. I have a closed mind." He said the Pres. was being driven from office by a conspiracy that included the...

The Current Cinema NEW YORK, NEW YORK by Penelope Gilliatt.

Fiction The Inquiring Demographer by Calvin Trillin. This Week's Question: Has The Upheaval in Cyprus, World-Wide Inflation & The Resignation Of the President Spoiled Your Summer Vacation? Illustrated Story. The above question was answered by: Ralph Minton, Sales Rep., Youngstown, Ohio(interviewed) in Yosemite Nat'l Pk. ) who said that all this trouble makes a man want...

The Talk of the Town Demanding by Wallace White. Talk story about the summer Latin Institute at the Graduate Center of the City University of N.Y. on W. 42nd St. The Institute, which in 11 wks completes 2-3 yrs. of college Latin, is sponsored by the Brooklyn College School of the Humanitites & is in its second summer. In...

The Talk of the Town Your Tax Dollars At Work by Rogers E. M. Whitaker. Talk story about Amtrak restoring a daytime train service to Montreal early this month. Train buff Ernest M. Frimbo was invited for the inaugural ride. The train is called the Adirondack, and it is to the credit of Carl Bruce Sterzing Jr., who is the new pres. of the Delaware...

Letter from Naples by William Murray. Tells about the cholera outbreak in Naples in the summer of 1973. The last major outbreak of the disease there occurred in 1884. A Neapolitan friend of the writer's said: "The point is that nothing has changed here since 1884." The first cases were reported locally on Aug. 20, but...

Our Local Correspondents THE BIRDS OF CENTRAL PARK by Eugene Kinkead. OUR LOCAL CORRESPONDENTS about Central Park birds. For almost its entire existence Central Park has been a highly favored haunt of bird-watchers. Records of their activities go back to 1886, 8 yrs. after the first part of the Park was opened to the public in the fall of 1858...

Around City Hall THE TIN WOODMAN AND THE TIGER by Andy Logan. AROUND CITY HALL about past inefficiency in the Comptroller's office revealed by the new Comptroller, Harrison J. Goldin. The man who held the post before him was Mayor Beame, always proud of his fiscal efficiency. Three outside audits revealed chaotic conditions in the Comptroller's office. Most shocking was that 5...

A Reporter at Large THE BIGGEST EVENT THIS YEAR by George W. S. Trow. REPORTER AT LARGE about the wedding of black singer Sly Stone at Madison Square Garden, before one of his concerts, on June 5. It was a publicity stunt to promote the sales of Sly's record albums which have declined in popularity since the sixties. One of the reasons for the...

Poetry The Iron Lung by Stanley Plumly. So this is the dust that passes through porcelain...

Poetry Sunday Lemons by Derek Walcott. Desolate lemons, hold...

Poetry Swimming In The Rock by Michael Borich. Emptying my body of its last breath...

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New Yorker Magazine - August 26, 1974 - Cover by Andre Francois

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