The pictures below show larger views of all (14) Old Times Square New York City Advertising & Souvenir Items in this lot. The second picture shows a little closer view of the small items in the lower right corner. Not all of these items are dated. Please see which ones are below. This is an accumulated lot with a variety of items. Included in this lot are the following items: There are (6) items here that advertise the Hotel Times Square including an unused envelope, two unused sheets of stationery, an advertising brochure with a map, an unused post card, and an advertising premium ink pen blotter card that was from The American Bar & Restaurant located on the lower level inside. There are three more unused post cards. One is dated July, 26, 1944, and one is a linen postcard. The captions on these read as follows: LOOKING TOWARDS TIMES SQUARE SERVICE MEN'S CENTER 41 - TIMES SQUARE AT NIGHT, THE GREAT WHITE WAY, NEW YORK CITY TIMES SQUARE, NEW YORK CITY There is a black plastic swizzle drink stir stick. One side has a crest logo, and it is marked on the two sides as follows: ACT I ACT I ONE TIMES SQUARE NEW YORK CITY SPIR - IT U.S.A. There are (2) different unopened miniature hotel bars of soap. The have paper wrappers that reads as follows: HOTEL LANGWELL PALMOLIVE 123 W, 44th STREET NEW YORK COLGATE PALMOLIVE PEET CO. MADE IN U.S.A. HOTEL LANGWELL IN THE HEART OF TIMES SQUARE HOTEL NATIONAL TIMES SQUARE 42nd ST. & SEVENTH AVE. AT BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY COLGATE PALMOLIVE PEET CO. JERSEY CITY, N.J. MADE IN U.S.A. Last but not least in this lot are (3) tiny miniature souvenir metal charm bracelet charms. All three of these are of a street lamp post with a hanging sign that reads ''TIMES SQ.''.All of these old items for one price! To judge the sizes the brochure (upper left) measures 3-3/4'' x 8-1/2''. These items appear to range from good to mint condition as pictured. The ink blotter has one tiny word on the back. The soap bar wrappers have some wear but they are unopened. |