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1961 ALDENS Christmas Wish Book / Catalog
Item #2182
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This item is already sold1961 ALDENS Christmas Wish Book / Catalog
Aldens   Catalog   Wish Book   Christmas   Toy   Advertising   Nostalgic
The pictures below show the cover and a few sample pages of this 1961 ALDENS Christmas Wish Book / Catalog. This one has 404 pages and measures 6-5/8" x 9-1/2". It is in excellent+ condition with some normal light cover wear.

Characters: Barbie, Ken, Cinderella, Alice In Wonderland, Zorro, Yogi Bear, Cindy Bear, Huckleberry Hound, Casper, Matty Mattel, Sister Belle, Chatty Cathy, Betsy McCall, Shirley Temple, Raggedy Ann & Andy, Flintstones, Fred Flintstone, Wilma Flintstone, Dino, Barney Rubble, Betty Rubble, Little Lulu, Dennis The Menace, Aunt Jemima, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, Shari Lewis, Lamb Chop, Charlie Horse, Hush Puppy, Deputy Dawg, Smokey Bear, Wendy (witch), Little Audrey, Baby Huey, Jerry Mahoney, Stan Musial, Eddie Kasko, The Rifleman, Johnny Yuma, Paladin, Have Gun Will Travel, Wagon Train, Matt Dillon, Roy Rogers, Eliot Ness, Untouchables, Gunsmoke, The Rebel, Popeye, Quick Draw McGraw, Garloo, Mr. Magoo, Mr. Machine, Dumbo, Dr, Seuss, Cat In The Hat, Grinch, Bugs Bunny, Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head, and More!

Toys and/or Games: Barbie Dolls and Other Barbie Items, Mr. Sno-Cone, Dish, Tea, Silverware, and Cooking Sets, Sewing Kits and Sewing Machines, Big Astra Jet Base, Marx-A-Copter, Tin Wind Up Roller Coaster, Greyhound Bus, Pan American Airplane, South Pacific Railway Engine, Racing Boat, Electronic Kits, Slot Cars, Johnny Reb Cannon, Rocket Launcher, Character Watches, Many Dolls (of all kinds), Baby Carriages, Furniture, Toy Appliances, Coca-Cola Soda Fountain, Jolly Time Popcorn Popper, Kool-Aid Dispenser, Pots and Pans Sets, Disneykin Play Sets (printers ink over that image), Doll Houses and Accessories, Vanity Sets, Doctor and Nurse Kits, Teddy Bears, Plush Toys, View Master Viewers and Reels (many titles), Slinky Train, Flying Saucer Gun, Play-Doh, Action Motorcycle Top, Puzzles, Sleds, Archery and Dart Sets, Cap Gun Sets, Toy Guns, Rifles, Revolvers, Western Television Character Figures With Horses, Civil War Toys, Detective Set, Machine Guns, Cowboy, Cowgirl and Other Costume Outfits, Science, Chemistry, and Microscope Sets, Girder and Panel Sets, Tool Sets, Gas and Battery Powered Airplanes, Erector Wood Burning, and Telescope Sets, Etch-A-Sketch, Projector and Paint Sets, Transistor Radios, Phonographs and Records, Musical Toys, Whistles, Jack-In-A-Box Toys, Toy Guitars, Playsets Including: The Flintstones, The Untouchables With Eliot Ness, Farm, Battle Of The Blue And Gray, Skyview Gas Station / Garage, Air Age Airport, Fort Apache, Day & Night Service Station / Gas Station, Skypark Garage / Gas Station, and Whirlibird, Walking Robot, Garloo, Mr. Machine, Mr. Magoo Car, Remote Control Toys, Submarine, Helicopter, Lots Of Tin Vehicles Including: Cars, Trucks, Race Cars, Construction Vehicles, and More!, Wind Up Mechanical Toys, Battery Operated Toys, Matchbox Cars and Trucks, Ride On Toys, Ny-Lint, Buddy-L, Structo, and Tonka Steel Trucks, United Airlines Airplane, Marx and Other Train Sets, Hobby and Rocking Horses, Fisher Price Toys, Pull Toys, Wooden Toys, Playskool Toys, Lincoln Logs, Block City, Frame Tray Puzzles, Activity Books and Kits, Telephones, Typewriters, Banks Including: Truck Bank, Candy Cigarettes Dispenser Bank, Register and Safe Banks, Infant Toys, Roly Poly, Books (many titles), Pool / Billiard Tables, Pinball Games, Marble Games, Card Games, Board Games, Gambling Games, Ouija Board, Military Games, Sports Action Games, Target Sets, Bicycles, Wagons, Pedal Cars, Tractors, Christmas Decorations, Many Candies Including Candt Toys Containers, Gum Ball Machines, and Much, Much More!

Click on image to zoom.
1961 ALDENS Christmas Wish Book / Catalog

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