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New Yorker Magazine - December 25, 1971 - Cover by Ronald Searle
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This item is already soldNew Yorker Magazine - December 25, 1971 - Cover by Ronald Searle
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the December 25, 1971 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine was carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover. It does not have a mailing label and never had one.

Cover artist: Ronald Searle
Publication Date: December 25, 1971
Page Count: 68 pages
In this issue:

A Reporter at Large THE HOUSE AND THE HIGHWAY by Whitney Balliett. Lengthy mention in REPORTER AT LARGE about the writer's house, which he rents, in Old Brookville, L.I. It stand 11 feet from a heavily travelled four-lane highway, called the Glen Cove-Greenvale Highway or the Glen Cove Road, Each day some 45,000 cars, buses, & trucks pass the house...

Fiction Jesus on Honshu by John Updike. JAPANESE LEGEND SAYS JESUS ESCAPED TO ORIENT. (Headline & passages in quotes, from the "Times"). "Tokyo-A Japanese legend has excited some curiosity here, that Jesus did not die on the cross outside Jerusalem, but lived in a remote village on the northern part of the Japanese island of Honshu...

The Race Track Quintuplets by G. F. T. Ryall. Trainer Frank Martin - they call him Pancho Martin on the backstretch - saddled five winners in an afternoon on the closing day of the season at Aqueduct. Though he trains for several owners, the five horses all belong to the same man - Sigmund Sommer. Tells about the horses & their winnings...

Musical Events by Winthrop Sargeant.

Comment by Jonathan Schell. Comment on our foreign policy recently. We made an ally of 20 years' standing - India - into an enemy, taking the side of Pakistan in the recant conflict between these two. This drove India to an alliance with Russia. Every gain by India was then looked upon as a gain for...

Homage HOMAGE VIRGIL THOMSON by Brendan Gill. Virgil Thomson at seventy-five: Her perches in the rich, dark, bright Victorian living room of his flat in the Chelsea Hotel, among the books, musical manuscripts, paintings, sculptures, and touch-for-luck mementos that make up the cherished protective debris of a lifetime, and even if he were alone...

The Air Concentration, Squares, Jeopardy, and Bouillon Cubes by Renata Adler. Writer discusses daytime quiz shows on television which are quite different from the old quiz shows. The shows in question are Concentration, Hollywood Squares, Jeopardy, The Newlywed Game, The Dating Game, and Let's Make a Deal. The rewards are not money but prizes, which are described in detail & constitute...

The Talk of the Town Three Gatherings. by Jane Boutwell. Talk story about a party honoring Bangla Desh, the nation that, with the cease-fire, has emerged phoenix-like from the ashes of East Pakistan; the setting was a newly opened Bengali restaurant that is an off-shoot of the original Nirvana, an established bistro at the corner of Lexington...

The Talk of the Town Three Gatherings. by John McPhee. Talk story about the presentation of the Rockefeller Public Service Awards, run by Princeton University with funds from John D. Rockefeller III, for outstanding civil servants. One of the winners this year was Mary Mills of the Public Health Service She is a Navy captain, in the Commissioned Corps of...

The Theatre by Edith Oliver.

Fiction Marie by Larry Woiwode. Story of a quiet, sad Midwestern girl in her early teens, whose mother had died when she was 3. She tried to take care of her father, sister, & 3 brothers the best she could. It was the week before Christmas. She had been decorating the house & polishing all...

The Current Cinema Couples by Pauline Kael. Review of "Made for Each Other", written by Renee Taylor and her husband Joseph Bologna. They also play the leads...

The Talk of the Town Three Gatherings by Jonathan Schell. Talk story about a "film reception" given in the U.N. library auditorium by the permanent delegation of the People's Republic of China to the 26th session of the General Assembly of the U.N. The guests had been picked, in part, by American groups who are interested in China, such as...

Around City Hall THE VIEW FROM ROOM 9 by Andy Logan. AROUND CITY HALL about May. Lindsay's campaign for nomination for U.S. Pres. & his poor relations with the N.Y. press City Hall's Room 9 is the pressroom. Civic chauvinism is unfashionable in NYC, but Lindsay will presumably need the city's uninverted endorsement as its favorite son if he is to...

Poetry Greetings, Friends! by Frank Sullivan. Friends of the sometimes human race...

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New Yorker Magazine - December 25, 1971 - Cover by Ronald Searle

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