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New Yorker Magazine - November 17, 1975 - Cover by Robert Tallon
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New Yorker Magazine - November 17, 1975 - Cover by Robert Tallon
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the November 17, 1975 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine was carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover. It does not have a mailing label and never had one.

Cover artist: Robert Tallon
Publication Date: November 17, 1975
Page Count: 196 pages
In this issue:

The Talk of the Town Headline by Hendrik Hertzberg. Talk story about the "Daily News" headline Oct. 30, 1975, the day after Pres. Ford ruled out federal help for N.Y.C. until after default. On Wed., Oct. 29th, William Brink, the "News" managing editor, who composed the headline, wanted something snappy. After several tries, he came up with: "Ford to...

The Race Track Un, Deux, Trois! by G. F. T. Ryall. He was the jockey on Nobiliary, who won the Washington, D.C. International...

The Theatre TIME, GENTLEMEN, PLEASE! by Brendan Gill.

Fiction Sliding by Leslie Norris. Winter comes suddenly to Wales as Bernard, an eight year old Welsh boy, and his friends play in the street. On Saturday afternoon, Bernard and his friends Randall Jenkins, Danny Kenyon, and Jackie Phelps go to the pond to slide on the ice. At first, Bernard is disappointed. It is...

Fiction Tanhum by Isaac Bashevis Singer. Tanhum was a young Torah student in Poland. As a poor boy he had been taken from the Brisk Yeshiva and supported by the affluent Reb Bendit Waldman. Later he was betrothed to Reb Bendit's daughter. Reb Bendit was a scholar, rabbi, a successful lumber merchant & proprietor of a...

The Talk of the Town Dream by Susan Lardner. Talk story about Janet, a woman sitting on a bench in City Hall Park with her head in the folds of a sun reflector. She talks about the contents of her pocketbook: scraps of paper on which she has written a dream, a subpoena to appear for jury duty, a...

The Current Cinema Walking Into Your Childhood by Pauline Kael. Review of Ingmar Bergman's film version of Mozart's opera "The Magic Flute...

Annals of Law The Liberty of Every Man~III by Richard Harris. ANNALS OF LAW about violation of civil rights of Alan & Margaret McSurely under the 4th Amendment. Their papers were subpoenaed & they were ordered to appear at the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, which was investigating unrest in the U.S. in the late sixties. Sen. John L. McClellan, Dem...

Books Disorderly Conduct by Naomi Bliven.

The Talk of the Town Dinner by Victor Chen. Talk story about the Fifth Anniversary Dinner of the Natural Resources Defense Council. The Council is a public-interest law firm involved in environmental litigation. Robert Redford, a recent trustee of the NRDC, was present at the dinner. He explained to the reporter that he had been involved with the...

Musical Events Talking Through the Music by Andrew Porter.

Letter from Washington LETTER FROM WASHINGTON. by Richard H. Rovere. Pres. Ford's shifts in personnel are more likely to lead to a decline in performance than to an improvement. James Schlesinger is to be replaced by Donald Rumsfeld as head of the Defense Dept. Schlesinger's views on foreign & military policy have been criticized, but on the score of openness...

Comment by Jonathan Schell. In the midst of nearly boundless intellectual confusion, N.Y.C. heads toward default. No one can speak with much authority on either the causes or the consequences. Default, is too close, too large, and too new to be seen clearly yet. Gives various viewpoints on the crisis. Our ignorance is our...

Poetry Where by S. J. Marks. The last berries fall...

Poetry Downhill by William Walden. His craft daily plies printer's ink...

Poetry Another Place by Mark Strand. I walk...

Click on image to zoom.
New Yorker Magazine - November 17, 1975 - Cover by Robert Tallon

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