Who's The Real Cap'n? sweepstakes clue #1 unopened packet. It contains 3-D glasses, a game sheet with 3-D images, and an unassembled game spinner.
©1991 unopened & unassembled blue plastic zip top with instruction sheet.
Unopened & unassembled Cap'n's Cam viewer camera with cartoon film strips.
©1991 unopened Cap'n Crunch blue plastic pencil topper (?).
©1990 assembled green plastic spinner top. The sticker inside has a Soggies character.
©1989 Cap'n Crunch Character blue plastic figure squirter.
©1993 yellow plastic Super Squirts pencil squirter.
Glow in the Dark Cap'n Crunch character flying disk. The piece that you flick this disk with is missing.
©1986 Cap'n Crunch character plastic figure.
©1986 Robot character plastic figure.