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New Yorker Magazine - October 28, 1974 - Cover by Charles E. Martin
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This item is already soldNew Yorker Magazine - October 28, 1974 - Cover by Charles E. Martin
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the October 28, 1974 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine was carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover. It does not have a mailing label and never had one.

Cover artist: Charles E. Martin
Publication Date: October 28, 1974
Page Count: 188 pages
In this issue:

The Current Cinema by Pauline Kael. Review of his film "Le Fantome de la Liberte...

A Reporter in Washington A Reporter in Washington, D.C. III - Summer Notes by Elizabeth Drew. Notes, in diary form of Washington events from July 22 to Aug. 9, 1974. Throughout this period writer interviewed Rep. Railsback asking his views on what was happening. In an interview on Ju. 22 he seemed to be leaning toward impeachment. (He was a member of the House Judiciary Comm...

Fiction Lovborg's Women Considered by Woody Allen. Humorous spoof of Scandinavian dramatists and filmmakers. Jorgen Lovborg is a Scandinavian playwright who began writing when he was 14 yrs. old. Tortured and embittered by his agonizing relationships with the opposite sex, he gave the world fascinating and complex female characters. Mentions some of Lovborg's works and quotes dialogue...

Musical Events by Andrew Porter.

The Talk of the Town "Time" Covers, NR by John McPhee. Talk story about the unused cover paintings & cover sculptures of "Time" magazine which are referred to by the term "NR" ("Not Running"). Writer called Henry Grunwald, the managing editor for "Time" to find out how the NR collection had evolved in recent years. Grunwald allowed the writer to come...

Profiles A FRIEND IN DISGUISE by Berton Roueche. PROFILE of garlic, quoting from many sources about the history of garlic use, its long-heralded therapeutic value, which has little basis in medical fact...

Comment by Jonathan Schell. As we looked over the news from around the world last week, 2 stories - one from Monaco & one from India - arrested our attention. The story from Monaco, which appeared in "Time" was about 3 men suffering from an excess of riches. They are 3 Saudi Arabian princes, including the...

The Theatre LOST AND FOUND by Brendan Gill.

Around City Hall THANK YOU by Andy Logan. AROUND CITY HALL about large gifts of money distributed by former Gov. Rockefeller, who has been nominated U.S. Vice-President. Mentions secret commission of the book against Arthur Goldberg. Rockefeller dispensed a couple of million dollars among state officials & political associates. Unfortunately for Rockefeller's prospects, even if every gift...

Letter from London by Mollie Panter-Downes. The October election in England, following a remarkably spiritless impersonal campaign, largely conducted on television, was the most unpopular, uninspired and lacklustre election that anyone can remember. It left winners and losers disappointed and worried. Despite all the talk about the benefits of having a coalition gov't, the electorate demonstrated...

Fiction Late Bloomers by Richard Kramer. Stuie Greener returned for his senior year at college after spending his summer at home. Soon after his arrival at school Stuie went to the common room & sat down to play the piano. There he began to reminisce about his family, especially his father. As a youth Stuie had...

The Talk of the Town For the City Center by Wallace White. Talk story about the Friends of City Center who held a Membership Week Kick Off Party in an effort to gain financial support for the N.Y.C. Ballet, the N.Y.C. Opera & other artistic affiliates of the City Center. Around 800 people gathered on the plaza in front of Burlington House...

A Reporter in Washington A REPORTER IN WASHINGTON D.C. III-SUMMER NOTES by Elizabeth Drew. Notes, in diary form, on events in Washington from July 22 to Aug. 9, 1974. On July 24 the Pres. was ordered by a unanimous decision of the Supreme Court to give up the tapes. On this day, too, the debate on his impeachment began in the House Judiciary Comm...

Books by George Steiner.

The Talk of the Town Genevieve and John by George W. S. Trow. Talk story about Genevieve Waite and John Phillips performing together at Reno Sweeney. Genevieve sang a song about Wilbur Mills entitled, "Trashy Rumors." Mills was recently involved in a scandal with a woman...

Poetry Tattoo by Howard Moss. The fountain-pen bird has punctured the vein...

Poetry Essential Praises Of Silence by Barry Spacks. A faithless bodybuilder, wanting...

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New Yorker Magazine - October 28, 1974 - Cover by Charles E. Martin

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