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June 1945 Horoscope Magazine
Item #e755
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This item is already soldJune 1945 Horoscope Magazine
Horoscope   Astrology   Fortune   Fortune Telling   Dell   Magazine   Fiction   Advertising   Paper   Ephemera
The picture shows a view of the cover of this June 1945 Horoscope Magazine. This 1945 Dell magazine has (100) pages filled with articles or stories. These include the following:

Woman's Place in the United States by Athene Gale-Wallace.
America, Russia and The Future.
Your Horoscope Is Ready: A Remarkable Offer.
I Like Arians by Lulu Bradley Cram.
Steps to Astrological Wisdom by Dane Rudhyar.
Afraid of Success.
A Love Problem.
Astrology and The Homicide Squad by Harold A. MacDougall.
To Those Who Wait by Dane Rudhyar.
The Twenty-Third Psalm by Frederic Van Norstrand.
Dance Stars by M. C. Goodman.
True to Type by Diana Willoughby.
Your Greatest Strength by Grant Lewi.
Under Neptune's Spell by Pauline Messina.
Self Guidance Chart For June.
The Astro Log of The Editor.
Universal Daily Influences For June by Florence Ann Jensen.
Gemini's Year Ahead by Grant Lewi.
Sagittarius: A Poem by Marguerite Stanley.
Your Individual Planet Guide May 6 - June 10.
Your June Horoscope

There are many advertisements of the times inside and on the back. The colorful cover pictures an arm with multiple hands and they are holding a crescent moon, stars, fire, and the Sun. The magazine measures 6-1/2'' x 9-3/8''. The pages inside are in excellent condition and the cover has some wear as pictured.

Click on image to zoom.
June 1945 Horoscope Magazine

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