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New Yorker Magazine - December 4, 1978 - Cover by Arthur Getz
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This item is already soldNew Yorker Magazine - December 4, 1978 - Cover by Arthur Getz
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the December 4, 1978 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine has been carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover.

Cover artist: Arthur Getz
Publication Date: December 4, 1978
Page Count: 240 pages
In this issue:

Obituary by Gardner Botsford. Obituary of Hawley Truax, who died Friday, Nov. 24th, at the age of 89...

The Current Cinema TAMING THE MOVIES by Pauline Kael.

Fiction Roots and Hedges by Hildegarde Flanner. In 1923 the writer's mother loses her home in Berkeley, Cal. by fire and in 1926 buys property and settles in Southern Cal. The property consists of 3 cottages and a garden which are, on investigation, infirm. The writer and her mother move into the larger house. A year and...

The Theatre by Edith Oliver.

Reflections Countless Blessings by H. F. Ellis. Profound reflections are sparked by thought of the number of leaves annually produced by a single tree, the number of eggs laid by British hens between June, 1975, and May 1976, and the number of components of a bird's wing. The author considers the usefulness of such information as dinner...

On Photography by Janet Malcolm.

Fiction Boys and Music by Diane Vreuls. A woman's observations of her son. The son, David, plays piano. The writer describes her son's activities: building helicopters, playing baseball, learning soft-shoe dancing, learning to play the recorder. She questions the fittingness of her son's name: "The one we picked is wrong - does he know that? ... is Rollie...

Dancing by Arlene Croce.

The Talk of the Town An Educated Person by Lillian Ross. Talk story about Dean Henry Rosovsky of Harvard's Faculty of Arts and Sciences and his proposal, introduced & approved earlier this year, to reform the undergraduate curriculum in liberal arts. "The Core Curriculum", which goes into effect for Harvard freshmen next fall, began about 4 years ago when Rosovsky wrote...

Annals of Science II-DNA by Horace Judson. ANNALS OF SCIENCE about research leading to the discovery in 1953 of the structure of DNA, the stuff of which genes are made. In 1962 James Watson, Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the discovery. James Watson, an American, came to the...

The Race Track by G. F. T. Ryall. Fire destroyed the grandstand, the jockeys' room, the paddock, and the racing secretary's office and badly damaged the clubhouse and the administrative offices, at Hawthorne Race Course in Chicago. The loss is estimated at ten million dollars, but, happily no injuries were reported and the blaze was kept away from...

The Talk of the Town Backstage by Marion Knox Barthelme. Talk story about a fashion show at the Plaza showing clothes by Mary McFadden, the 40-year-old American designer who won two Coty Awards in the six years she has been in business. It was her spring collection that was being shown. Tells about it. Nearly a thousand people...

Profiles ZAVALA by Berton Roueche.

Comment by Donald Barthelme. A friend writes about the new owner of his apartment building: When the new owner first came to look at the place, we lowered the blinds and pointed out cracks in the walls. He closed anyway. Soon he was slipping little rent bills into the mailboxes, slip, slip, slip. The...

Poetry Christ Pantocrator in San Giorgio Dei Greci by George Bradley. I opened my eyes long ago in another city...

Poetry En Route to Southampton by James Schuyler. In a corner of a parlor car...

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New Yorker Magazine - December 4, 1978 - Cover by Arthur Getz

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