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New Yorker Magazine - December 17, 1990 - Cover by R. O. Blechman
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New Yorker Magazine - December 17, 1990 - Cover by R. O. Blechman
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the December 17, 1990 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine has been carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover.

Cover artist: R. O. Blechman
Publication Date: December 17, 1990
Page Count: 132 pages
In this issue:

The Current Cinema NEW AGE DAYDREAMS by Pauline Kael.

Fiction I'm Rubber, You're Glue by Daniel Menaker. In 1977, after a year of psychoanalysis at the rough hands of Dr. Ernesto Morales--the short, bald, muscular black-bearded Catholic-Hispanic tyrant-genius of East 93rd St.--Jake Singer could have written a case study about him. Singer, an English teacher at the Coventry Preparatory School for Boys...

The Theatre TAKING LIBERTIES by Mimi Kramer.

The Talk of the Town Rildia Bee by David Daniel. Talk story about the 94th birthday party of Rildia Bee O'Bryan Cliburn, the mother of Van Cliburn, the famous pianist. It was held at the Fort Worth Club on the evening of Sunday, Oct. 14th & there were 600 guests. Rildia Bee was her son's only piano teacher until he...

The Talk of the Town I'll Test My Log by Hal Espen. Talk story about attending the "Return to 'Twin Peaks'" seminar, an event held as part of the first Remy Martin City Mosaic Performing Arts Festival. The event was held in Florence Gould Hall on East 59th St., before a capacity crowd. Mimi Torchin, editor of "Soap Opera Weekly", led out...

Comment by William Finnegan. According to a poll recently taken by the "Times", a surprisingly high percentage of black Americans believe that the drug crisis, which continues to devastate our cities even as it fades from the news, is a government conspiracy to harm black people. Tells about setting up the Office of National...

The Talk of the Town Camels by James Lardner. Talk story about the camels in the Radio City Christmas pageant; like the other animals in the show, they're in the care of Leonard Brook, co-proprietor of the Dawn Animal Agency (and of an animal sanctuary in Orange County, N.Y. with which it shares acreage). The writer accompanied Mr...

Profiles A SINGLE PERSON MAKING A SINGLE THING by Calvin Tomkins. PROFILE of Richard Benson, photographer & printer of photographic books. In 1986 he received a 5-year MacArthur Foundation grant of $212,000. He has revolutionized photography He has invented a method of printing photographic negatives in acrylic paint on light-sensitized sheets of aluminum. The black-and-white prints made...

Books by Claudia Roth Pierpont.

A Reporter at Large LA FRONTERA by Bill Barich. A REPORTER AT LARGE about illegal aliens entering the US along a small border region between the US and Mexico that starts at the Pacific Ocean and ends at a thriving yet isolated spot called Otay Mesa. Between the ocean and the mesa, the only town of any size is...

Poetry Font by Michael Longley. On its little island in the middle of the font...

Poetry Revising the Altas by John Ash. It was just something I knew and thought I'd tell you...

Click on image to zoom.
New Yorker Magazine - December 17, 1990 - Cover by R. O. Blechman

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