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New Yorker Magazine - June 16, 1986 - Cover by Susan Davis
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This item is already soldNew Yorker Magazine - June 16, 1986 - Cover by Susan Davis
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the June 16, 1986 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine has been carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover.

Cover artist: Susan Davis
Publication Date: June 16, 1986
Page Count: 124 pages
In this issue:

Musical Events by Andrew Porter.

The Talk of the Town Car Wash by Tony Gibbs. Talk story about the writer being solicited by a teenager raising funds to send his soccer team, the Westport (Conn.) Strikers on a European tour. He asked if the writer would like to sponsor a player. The team was running a car was several Sundays hence and would wash the...

The Current Cinema BRUTES by Pauline Kael.

The Talk of the Town Enk, Enk, Enk! by Henry S. F. Cooper. Talk story about the discovery in Cuba of a surviving subspecies of ivory-billed woodpecker. There are, or were, 2 subspecies, the North American & the Cuban. They are practically the same bird...the last sighting of the North American bird was in 1942 & it will be declared extinct...

The Talk of the Town Low Pressure by Wolcott Gibbs. A talk story about the 3rd North American Small Boat Show, held in Newport, RI. Writer called the Dovekie sailing cruiser an imaginative boat--a 22-footer with leeboards--that can float in 4 inches of water...

Letter from Washington by Elizabeth Drew. Decisions are being made about the budget which could lead to a substantial reduction of the still-enormous deficit or, through a bit of legerdemain that a number of politicians & also Administration figures find tempting, could simply postpone the problem once again... A quirk in the way the tax...

Books by James Lardner.

The Theatre by Edith Oliver.

Comment by William McKibben. The"Times"recently carried a story from Brmingham. AL, about the razing of a jail where authorities stowed Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr....2 months after the raid on Libya, it seems possible that the enormous application of air power designed to teach the Libayns a lesson didn't do much...

Fiction Bluebeard by Donald Barthelme. Bluebeard courts the seventh of his wives by presenting her with gifts, and her father with a Poussin watercolor with which he cannot bear to part, although he disapproves of Bluebeard. Bluebeard becomes a fixture in the narrator's drawing room and marries her. Bluebeard and his new wife live in...

Fiction At the Tutor's by Harry L. Mountzoures. The narrator is the father of a second-grader, Phillip, who is having difficulties in school. In the spring the narrator and his wife decide to take their son to a tutor, Eileen Gogarty, a former social worker who had quit her job to raise a family of her own...

Annals of Law I-TWO TRIALS by Renata Adler. ANNALS OF LAW about two libel lawsuits. One was brought by Gen. Wm. C. Westmoreland against: CBS for a program called "The Uncounted Enemy: A Vietnam Deception" broadcast on 1/2/82 in which it was said that he had deliberately underestimated enemy strength in Vietnam in 1967. The other lawsuit was...

Poetry The Light of Being Winded by Arthur Smith. A curious phrase, "coming around...

Poetry Wild Carrot by Alfred Corn. More at home than most, this immigrant...

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New Yorker Magazine - June 16, 1986 - Cover by Susan Davis

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