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New Yorker Magazine - January 22, 1972 - Cover by Charles E. Martin
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This item is already soldNew Yorker Magazine - January 22, 1972 - Cover by Charles E. Martin
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the January 22, 1972 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine was carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover. It does not have a mailing label and never had one.

Cover artist: Charles E. Martin
Publication Date: January 22, 1972
Page Count: 100 pages
In this issue:

Books by Edward Jay Epstein.

A Reporter at Large I-COVERUP by Seymour M. Hersh. REPORTER AT LARGE about the Army's investigation of the Son My massacres of S. Vietnamese civilians (women, children & old men) by U.S. troops, on Mar. 16, 1968. The atro-cities took place in the hamlets of My Lai 4 & My Khe 4, in the village of Son My...

The Theatre by Edith Oliver.

The Current Cinema by Pauline Kael. Review of "The Cowboys". Writer deplores the film's sanctimonious violence, which stars John Wayne, has earned a GP rating and is showing at Radio City Music Hall...

The Talk of the Town Getting the Goods by Hendrik Hertzberg. Talk story about reporter Jack Anderson, whose revelations about the Nixon Administration's private attitudes toward the India-Pakistan War have gotten a sheaf of Secret Papers named after him. He has been getting the goods on people in high places since 1947 when he joined the staff of Drew Pearson's...

Around City Hall AROUND CITY HALL ON THE ROAD by Andy Logan. Tells about city dept. labor union negotiations, & also Mayor Lindsay's campaign for the Democratic Presidential nomination. Leaders of the firemen's union have been charging that their contract negotiations prove Lindsay's bias against labor. They announced plans to foil the Mayor's recent pitch for the blue-collar vote by sending...

The Talk of the Town Golfers by Jane Boutwell. Talk story about Metropolitan Opera stars Thomas Stewart & Evelyn Lear, who have been married for 17 years. Writer visited them at their apartment on the West Side. Mr. Stewart is the outstanding Wagnerian baritone of his generation; Miss Lear is a noted interpreter of modern music & in opera...

Comment by Michael J. Arlen. Political eras seem to be rushing upon us these days. In the last ten years we've had a New Frontier, a Great Society, a New Society, and a New American Revolution, the last of which we were summoned to less than a year ago in Mr. Nixon's State of the...

Fiction Trip South by Arturo Vivante. Winter after winter since he had come to America to live, from Italy, he had promised himself a trip to Florida, where he had never been. This year he would go. In a day's driving he could be there. His wife & children wouldn't go along, so he left by...

Fiction Solitaire by John Updike. A man sits playing solitaire. He has reached a point in his life where there is nothing to do but play solitaire. It is the perfect, final retreat, with nothing beyond it but madness. Only solitaire creates that blankness into which a saving decision might flow. He has to choose...

Fiction Something Entirely Different by Sylvia Townsend Warner. A human baby was brought to the Elfin kingdom of the Ever Young & named Tiffany. His blood was replaced by a mixture which, though it does not bestow immortality, gives considerable longevity. (When grey hairs eventually appear on the head of a fetchling, he is put out of the...

The Talk of the Town Embarkation by George W. S. Trow. Talk story about the S.S. France, the longest liner in the world, which was about to begin a 91-day tour of the world. Writer talked with a woman staying in the Normandie Suite, who said that she and her husband are aboard the France for 6 months out of...

Musical Events by Winthrop Sargeant.

The Race Track by G. F. T. Ryall. Royal Owl is owned by Charles Thornton, who has the Royal Oaks Farm, and Joe Burden, who has the Owl Stable...

Poetry The Stairs by Howard Moss. Starting out as love, it climbed the stairs...

Poetry Winter Visit With An Old Friend by Naomi Lazard. Home is the two-horned moon...

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New Yorker Magazine - January 22, 1972 - Cover by Charles E. Martin

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