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New Yorker Magazine - October 10, 1977 - Cover by Arnie Levin
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New Yorker Magazine - October 10, 1977 - Cover by Arnie Levin
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the October 10, 1977 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine has been carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover.

Cover artist: Arnie Levin
Publication Date: October 10, 1977
Page Count: 192 pages
In this issue:

Profiles Communists' Capitalist~I by E. J. Kahn. PROFILE of industrialist Cyrus Stephen Eaton, who at nearly 94, is the oldest member of the board of trustees of the University of Chicago. Eaton, who was born in Pugwash, Nova Scotia, and graduated from McMaster University in 1905, has been, since the 1950's, a controversial proponent of coexistence...

The Theatre The Divided Self by Brendan Gill.

On Photography Color by Janet Malcolm.

The Talk of the Town Fashion Lecture by Ian Frazier. Talk story about attending a fashion lecture called "Discovering Your Own Type" - the first one for the Parsons-New School Course 9000: "Fashion for the Consumer". It was held in a converted cinema, on 5th Ave. bet. 12th & 13th Streets last week. The professor was Phyllis Youngheart, who produces...

Books Human Capacities by John Updike.

The Talk of the Town Rosalyn Tureck by Ved Mehta. Talk story about pianist and harpsichordist Rosalyn Tureck, who specializes in Bach. In 1937 Ms. Tureck performed Bach's "Well-Tempered Clavier," along with the Goldberg Variations, in six concerts in Town Hall. She is commemorating the 40th anniversary of this "Bach-athon" in a repeat performance beginning Oct. 11th, at...

Obituary by Gardner Botsford. Obituary of Geoffrey Hellman, who died on Monday, Sept. 26, 1977...

The Race Track Rainy Day by G. F. T. Ryall. Ogden Mills Phipps, chairman of the board of the New York Racing Association, would like to have racing five days a week, including Sundays, at Aqueduct this coming Jan., Feb., & March. The track would be closed Mondays and Tuesdays. Permission would have to be granted by the State Racing...

The Current Cinema A Woman for All Seasons? by Pauline Kael. Review of "Julia", a film made from one of the stories in "Pentimento, A Book of Portraits" (1973), Lillian Hellman's second volume of memoirs...

A Reporter at Large PHASE by Elizabeth Drew. REPORTER AT LARGE about the present difficult phase of the Carter Administration. The particular issues that it is contending with at present are: energy, welfare reform, arms control, tax reform, among others. Circumstances have combined to hand the Adm. the issue of the Panama Canal & to make winning approval...

Fiction Health Department Lists Restaurant Violations by Daniel Menaker. Writer lists some restaurants and food shops that the N.Y.C. Health Dept. has cited for violations of the health code. Their violations include: gross disproportion of foundation executives among clientele; reverse-quota seating at a Harlem restaurant; an abandoned automobile in the kitchen; at an antivegetarian restaurant trace elements of...

Fiction The Girl Across the Room by Alice Adams. Yvonne Soulas and Matthew Vann, a married couple in their late sixties, are vacationing in an inn in California. Yvonne is an art historian, Matthew is a musicologist. They have been married for over 30 years and in recent years have been travelling in California Yvonne has miraculously recovered from...

The Sporting Scene AVE ATQUE VALE by Herbert Warren Wind. THE SPORTING SCENE about the growth of tennis as a popular sport and the last national tournament played at Forest Hills. Discusses the steady and enormous growth of tennis as a major sport beginning with the 1950's and reaching boom status in the 1970's. The beginning of the...

Fiction A Flight of Geese by Leslie Norris. In England, the writer reminisces about his Uncle Wynford - really his great-uncle. As a schoolboy he visited his uncle often. The uncle lived at the edge of the village with his wife & two daughters and had given up regular work, although he was not idle. Tells all the...

The Talk of the Town Try Me by Anthony Hiss. Talk story about inaugural flight of Frederick A. Laker's nightly, $135, first-come-first-served Skytrain to London. Laker, a 55-year-old entrepreneur from Canterbury, England who was a self-made pound millionaire by the age of 30, owns, among other thing Laker Airways, Ltd., 2 tour operations, 4...

U. S. Journal MARSHALL AND THE FOLK by Calvin Trillin. U.S. JOURNAL: MAINE about Marshall J. Dodge III, who is a sort of folk hero in the State of Maine. Marshall and a friend named Robert Bryan recorded "Bert and I," their first album of Down East Maine stories, some twenty years ago. "Bert and I" was in an established...

Comment by Donald Barthelme. A friend writes that he has for some time longed to "leak" something to a national magazine, and now at last he has a burst pipe which might interest us. The President's energy bill has been having a rough time in the Senate and the Pres. has had some angry...

Poetry Consider a Move by Michael Ryan. The steady time of being unknown...

Poetry Five Poems by Mark Strand. A man walks towards town...

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New Yorker Magazine - October 10, 1977 - Cover by Arnie Levin

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