| | Any group of items being offered as a lot must be sold as a lot. | | You don't have to be an eight year old to enjoy having a childhood treasure. | We have an extensive inventory that is not yet on our web site. If there is something you are looking for and did not find, please send us your wish list. | Great memories make great gifts! | Nostalgic Memorabilia, Pop Culture Artifacts, Historic Items, and "Shoe Box Toys" | Whether you've collected Memorabilia for years or just want to feel like a kid again, please take a few moments to browse through what we have available for sale. | Quality Packing And Postal Insurance | Combined Shipping And Handling | Worldwide Sales |
| | | The picture shows a view of thus Old Metal United States President Medal Paper Weight. Each detailed medal has a President name and their respective inauguration year. Because Herbert Hoover is in the center with George Washingtion, we are assuming that this paperweight is from 1929, the year of Hoover's inauguration. We do not know how this paper weight was made available. It may have been a gift or purchased inauguration souvenir. The metal that this weight is made from is unknown. Please note: This is not a pile of medals. It is all molded together. The medals have various images of eagles, stars, and banners. The center coin or medal has an eagle and the White House. It is marked as follows: FIRST PRESIDENT 1789 GEORGE WASHINGTON 30th PRESIDENT 1929 HERBERT HOOVER The paperweight measures about 5'' wide. Attached on the bottom is blue cloth. It is in excellent condition as pictured. The following Presidents are represented on the paperweight medals: George Washington John Adams Thomas Jefferson James Madison James Monroe John Quincy Adams Andrew Jackson Martin Van Buren William Henry Harrison John Tyler James Knox Polk Zachary Taylor Millard Fillmore Franklin Pierce James Buchanan Abraham Lincoln Andrew Johnson Ulysses Simpson Grant Rutherford Birchard Hayes James Abram Garfield Chester Alan Arthur Grover Cleveland Benjamin Harrison Grover Cleveland William McKinley Theodore Roosevelt William Howard Taft Woodrow Wilson Warren Gamaliel Harding Calvin Coolidge Herbert Clark Hoover |
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