Item #1461 |  Price: $24.99 $6 shipping & handling For Sale
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| | | The picture shows this 1908 Odd Fellows Fraternal Field Day Committee Ribbon Medal. The I.O.O.F. lettering on the metal stands for Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Beginning at the top there is a fancy brass frame pin with a celluloid insert that reads "COMMITTEE". Hanging from it is a printed red ribbon. There is a three link chain printed at the bottom. Hanging on the ribbon is a gold medal with a logo and fancy scroll work. The ribbon is hard to read from the scan, it reads: CAMBRIDGE THIRD FIELD DAY POINT OF PINES JUNE 7, 1908 It is believed to be from Cambridge, Massachusetts. The back of the medallion reads: P.M. CO. NEW YORK, U.S.A. The ribbon / medal measures 4-7/8" long and is in good condition but the print is faded. |
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