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New Yorker Magazine - March 8, 1976 - Cover by Charles E. Martin
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New Yorker Magazine - March 8, 1976 - Cover by Charles E. Martin
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the March 8, 1976 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine has been carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover.

Cover artist: Charles E. Martin
Publication Date: March 8, 1976
Page Count: 132 pages
In this issue:

Musical Events Reflections by Andrew Porter.

Fiction Exceprt From The Ginsberg Book of Non-Records by F. P. Tullius. Ten excerpts with headings such as: The Slowest Hundred Yard Dash; The Least French Fries Eaten At One Sitting; The Shortest Song Ever Written; The Least Yo-Yo Twirls; The Shortest Broad Jump, etc . A parody of the Guinness Book of World Records...

Our Far-Flung Correspondents Notes from a Spanish Village by Alastair Reid.

Fiction Eterna by Mary Lavin. The narrator, a country doctor in Dublin for the day thinks he sees & former patient in the National Gallery. He runs, not wanting to see the woman, and later recalls the circumstances of their relationship: he had not been practising long in the country town when he was called...

The Talk of the Town Behind the Swinging Doors by Anthony Hiss. Talk story about a haute cuisine meal prepared by the fellow-citizen under the direction of Daniel Strongin, one of the Amis d'Escoffier, who now cooks at the Ritz-Carlton at Boston. The fellow-citizen described the meal while eating hamburgers at the Bun 'n' Burger at Sixth Avenue and...

Books The Quintessential Puzzle by Naomi Bliven.

The Current Cinema A BIT OF ARCHIE RICE by Pauline Kael.

The Race Track A Champion on His Way by G. F. T. Ryall. Hail to Reason, who was in failing health, was destroyed. He raced in the colors of Patrice Jacobs, now Mrs. Louis Wolfson, and was trained by her father the late Hirsch Jacobs...

The Talk of the Town Behind the Singing Doors by David McClelland. Talk story about a haute cuisine meal prepared by the fellow-citizen and a friend under the direction of Daniel Strongin, one of the Amis d'Escoffier, who now cooks at the Ritz-Carlton in Boston. Twenty-one people paid $5.00 each to cook under Strongin's direction at the apartment of...

Comment by Victor Chen. On Feb. 7, in an offhand phrase in a routine report, the Chinese govt. revealed that Hua Kuo-feng, had been chosen as the temporary successor to the late Chou En-lai His promotion was an eyebrow-raising surprise. Until that time, Mr. Hua had been known merely as the...

Jazz Big Sid by Whitney Balliett.

The Talk of the Town Birthday Party by Jervis Anderson. Talk story about a party, held in the Starlight Roof of the Waldorf-Astoria, in honor of Eubie Blake's 93rd birthday. Mr. Blake, the black pianist and composer, began playing and writing ragtime music in the late nineteenth century. He was responsible for bringing the highly successful musical, "Shuffle Along...

Letter from Washington by Richard H. Rovere. Writer analyses the New Hampshire primary which took place on Tuesday, Feb. 24. Results in primaries are often ambiguous. In N.H. Ronald Reagan very nearly tied Gerald Ford, but in the voting for delegates to the Republican National Convention 19 pledged to Ford were elected, as against 2 for Reagan...

Obituary Frank Sullivan by Roger Angell. Obituary of Frank Sullivan, who died Feb. 19, 1976, at Saratoga Springs, N.Y...

Annals of War Friendly Fire~II by C. D. B. Bryan. ANNALS OF WAR about the efforts of Peg and Gene Mullen, parents of Michael who was killed in Vietnam in 1970, to determine the circumstances of their son's death and to protest the war. Quotes from correspondence between the Army and the Mullens. Accompanying the letters are passages and demonstrating...

Poetry The Sandbanks by Richard Hugo. We went to the moon those empty Sundays...

Poetry A Late Answer by Philip Levine. Beyond that stand of firs...

Poetry Runway by Donald Hall. then you take off...

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New Yorker Magazine - March 8, 1976 - Cover by Charles E. Martin

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