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New Yorker Magazine - May 13, 1972 - Cover by Ilonka Karasz
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This item is already soldNew Yorker Magazine - May 13, 1972 - Cover by Ilonka Karasz
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the May 13, 1972 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine was carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover. It does not have a mailing label and never had one.

Cover artist: Ilonka Karasz
Publication Date: May 13, 1972
Page Count: 148 pages
In this issue:

Musical Events by Winthrop Sargeant.

Comment by Jonathan Schell. As the U.S. draws near the Pres. election, it strikes us the dominant note should be conservatism. A conservative is someone who cherishes & protects a people's inheritance to pass it on to new generations. In the past, this inheritance, was seen, in large part, as consisting of the established...

The Talk of the Town Motion by Hendrik Hertzberg. Talk story about recent decision by members of the Harvard Club not to amend bylaws so as to admit women to the Club on the same basis as men. Writer received note from a friend who was present at discussion on the motion which took place in Harvard Hall, the...

The Talk of the Town Brooklyn Ball by Hendrik Hertzberg. Talk story about annual ball the Brooklyn Museum gives to raise funds. Writer mentions the exhibition of American illustration that accompanies the current Norman Rockwell retrospective. Describes encounter with Merri Rosenberg, a 15-year-old student at the Berkeley Institute. She told the writer that the ball this year had...

Letter from London by Mollie Panter-Downes. The political weather is changing in favor of P.M. Heath and the Conservative Party Government following a series of happenings--mainly reactions to the new Industrial Relations Act so heavily opposed by workers The Act provides mainly for the introduction of courts & lawyers into the old hallowed free-for...

The Talk of the Town by Martha Ritter. Hand-printed sign noted by a tourist at a small gift shop in Windermere, England: Where is the Chemist? Across the street to the left. Where is the Post Office? Behindthe Wool Shop. We do not sell stamps. We do not sell newspapers. Where is Wordsworth buried? Six feet under...

The Talk of the Town by Barbara W. McFadden. This message -- and we record it in its entirety -- was delivered recently over the public-address system of the Tampa International Airport: "Will all passengers who have not already done so please do so at once...

The Theatre ALMOST D.O.A. by Brendan Gill.

Our Footloose Correspondents I-PEOPLE IN A DIARY by S. N. Behrman. In this memoir writer tells of meeting John Balderston, the London correspondent of theN.Y. "World". He had dramatized, very successfully, Henry James's unfinished novel "The Sense of the Past". He called his play "Berkeley Square". It was later to run in N.Y. with Leslie Howard. Writer saw a great deal...

Letter from Vietnam by Robert Shaplen. The point stressed in everything the Communists broadcast & write is that the Saigon government's "human and economic resources" must be attacked, and this is why so much emphasis is being placed on a "ten-point amnesty program" promulgated by the P.R.G. & designed to make as many wavering troops...

Books by John Updike.

The Race Track by G. F. T. Ryall. Juan Arias who saddled the Kentucky Derby winner, Canonero II, last year, tried again this year with Hassi's Image, and the horse was eleventh...

Fiction Horse Sense On The Gelid Planet by Mark Halliday. Suddenly the danger was unlimited. From the north and the west, the gigantic Ice Wolves were descending on him, across the barren miles of glacier with their long, furry strides. From the south came the slithering Grillid Shig, unleashed by the war gods of this uncouth planet. Knut Brish shuddered...

The Current Cinema by Penelope Gilliatt. In a review of Woody Allen's film "Play It Again, Sam" writer says tranquillizers have romantic trade names which remind her of games they used to play to counteract too much Marlowe: Was this the drug that passed a thousand lips And stormed the topless towers of Librium? Sweet Miltown...

The Talk of the Town by John McPhee. Talk story about a visit to the chocolate factory in Hershey, Pa. and interview with Bill Wagner, who for 45 years has been tasting chocolate in the conching rooms. Writer describes the process of "conching"—sending the chocolate thru granite rollers to achieve the proper consistency and flavor. Brief...

Poetry Rain by Deborah Deutschman. The rain types out...

Poetry Home by Charles Simic. There's a house on the tip of a branch...

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New Yorker Magazine - May 13, 1972 - Cover by Ilonka Karasz

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