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New Yorker Magazine - March 17, 1973 - Cover by Charles E. Martin
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New Yorker Magazine - March 17, 1973 - Cover by Charles E. Martin
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the March 17, 1973 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine was carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover. It does not have a mailing label and never had one.

Cover artist: Charles E. Martin
Publication Date: March 17, 1973
Page Count: 132 pages
In this issue:

Musical Events Crown Imperial by Andrew Porter.

Comment by Victor Chen. Students of political science are familiar with Dillon's Rule, whereby any doubts concerning the powers of a municipal corp. are decided against the corp. The rule is named after the legal commentator John F. Dillon, and it expresses a fact that exists in a nation whose Constitution does not mention...

The Race Track Fat Cat by G. F. T. Ryall. Marian Bender won the Cherry Hill Stakes at Garden State Park. She was bred by Dr. Edgar Berman who raises racers for pleasure and profit on a farm in Baltimore County. She was sold to Norman Seltzer, a Canadian, in whose colors she runs...

Books by Naomi Bliven.

Fiction California by Duncan Kennedy. Paul and Linda are divorced. Paul comes to visit the children Mattie and Tina, and Linda tells him she is selling their house in Arlington and moving to California, with her new man Michael. Paul is rather upset by this statement although he doesn't say anything. Linda's mother insists that...

Profiles II-THE SECRETS OF THE OLD ONE by Jeremy Bernstein. PROFILE of Albert Einstein. Discusses the development of physics after his 1905 relativity theory. Discusses gravitation, cosmology & Planck's quantum theory, and also, the photoelectric effect. Tells about Nazi German, the anti-Einstein campaign there, & the relationship of all this to the German scientific community. Tells about nuclear research...

The Talk of the Town The Enlisted Man by Jonathan Schell. Talk story about an Army press conference to unveil plans to build more attractive quarters for the enlisted man. The conference was held in the Overseas Press Club in the Time & Life Building. James Allred, chief of the Architectural Section of the Army Corps of Engineers presented a model...

The Talk of the Town Much Looking, Much Simple Being There by Anthony Hiss. Talk story about Paul Strand, 82-year-old photographer now exhibiting his work at the Metropolitan Museum of Art The exhibition is a major retrospective of his work from 1915 to 1968. It has been touring the country for over a year. According to Michael Hoffman, publisher of "Aperture", and...

Fiction Rembrandt's Hat by Bernard Malamud. Rubin, age 46, is a sculptor and teacher in a New York art school. Arkin, age 34, is an art historian at the same school. The 2 men are friendly but not friends. Rubin wears a white cloth cap. One day Arkin tells him the hat is like one in...

The Talk of the Town Bolstering Self-Esteem by Geoffrey T. Hellman. Talk story about a show held in the exhibition room of the Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature, at the Public Library. On display are 170-odd books and manuscripts which make up a show called "Documents Famous & Infamous". Lola L. Szladits, the...

U. S. Journal U.S. JOURNAL: ATLANTA SETTLEMENT by Calvin Trillin. U.S. JOURNAL about integration in Atlanta public schools. At the start of the school year 3/4 of the students were still in segregated schools. The U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals had ordered Atlanta to produce a true integration plan. An out-of-court settlement was finally reached which left...

The Talk of the Town Tango by George W. S. Trow. Talk story about tango lessons at the Arthur Murray Dance Studio. Recent advertisements have stated "WE TEACH THE TANGO. $5." The writer, who makes it a point to look out for dance crazes, decided to try it. It occurred to the writer that the success of the movie "Last Tango...

The Theatre GOAL TO GO by Brendan Gill.

The Art World (The Art Galleries) Landscapes and Worktables by Harold Rosenberg.

The Current Cinema LOST AND FOUND by Pauline Kael. Review of "Days and Nights in the Forest". Satyajit Ray directed this film, did the screenplay (from a novel by Sunil Ganguly), drew the credit titles, and wrote the music. It was made in 1969, was shown at the New York Film Festival in 1970. It is a major film...

Poetry The Death Spiral by Anne Hussey. remembering how my hair...

Poetry The Room by Mark Strand. I stand at the back of a room...

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New Yorker Magazine - March 17, 1973 - Cover by Charles E. Martin

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