Item #1342 |  Price: $19.99 $6 shipping & handling For Sale
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| | | The picture shows the front and back covers as well as one of the seven illustrated pages of this Old "JAKES JINGLE BOOK" Drug Advertising Nursery Rhyme Premium Book. This is a real odd combination for advertising! I don't believe that using Nursery Rhymes to promote drugs would be very acceptable today. This premium booklet was put out by Jaques Capsule Co., Inc. for advertising Jaque's Little Wonder Capsules in 1922. Each full color page has a nursery rhyme which has been altered to advertise the company's pills. On the opposite page of each color page is text with all the cures for the pills with testimonials, etc. It is dated 1922 and addressed to a Pharmacist that was in Epping, New Hampshire. The booklet closed measures 4-1/4" x 6" and it is in excellent condition with some light soiling on the back cover and some light wear. |
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