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Old Unused Pan American World Airways Advertising Premium Flicker Pin Back Button
Item #g944
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Old Unused Pan American World Airways Advertising Premium Flicker Pin Back Button
Pan American World Airways   Pan Am   Airline. Plane   Airplane   Aircraft   Travel   Transportation   Advertising   Premium   Vari-Vue   Flicker   Lenticular   3D   Pin Back Button   History   Historic   Novelty   Nostalgic
The picture shows the two views of this Old Unused Pan American World Airways Advertising Premium Flicker Pin Back Button. The pin is not dated but it is old. The image on this Vari-Vue pinback button changes from one to the other when moved. This is a metal pin with an applied lenticular insert. One view has the Pan Am blue globe logo and the other is of the Sun with a face. It is marked on the two sides as follows:


PAT. NO. 2815310

This pin measures 1-11/16'' wide. It appears to be in mint unused condition as pictured. Below here, for reference is a little additional information on Pan Am Airlines:

Pan American World Airways
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Pan American World Airways, commonly known as Pan Am, was the principal United States international air carrier from the late 1920s until its collapse on DecemberÊ4, 1991. Founded in 1927 as a scheduled air mail and passenger service operating between Key West, Florida and Havana, Cuba, the airline became a major company credited with many innovations that shaped the international airline industry, including the widespread use of jet aircraft, jumbo jets, and computerized reservation systems. Identified by its blue globe logo and the use of the word ''Clipper'' in aircraft names and call signs, the airline was a cultural icon of the 20th century and the unofficial flag carrier of the United States.

Click on image to zoom.
Old Unused Pan American World Airways Advertising Premium Flicker Pin Back Button

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