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1972 Anti George McGovern $1000 Dollar Bill
Item #0151
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1972 Anti George McGovern $1000 Dollar Bill
Political   Propaganda   Americana   Campaign   Presidential   George McGovern
The picture shows a front and back view of this 1972 Anti McGovern $1000 Dollar Bill. Unfortunately the bill in the picture can not be read so please read below. The front is printed in red & blue and pictures George McGovern in the center and it reads as follows:

Legal Tender To Anyone
Stupid Enough To Take It At Face Falue
Here's the $1000 McGovern promised everyone!
On Nov. 7, 1972 this bill will self - destruct!
One Thousand
To Redeem: just hold this bill (& your breath!)

The back is printed in green and pictures Eagleton in the center wiping sweat from his brow and reads as follows:

Promissory Note
McGovern says he's behind me 1000 per cent!
but you promised! but...he didn't say how far behind!
Would you believe 10%
Payable Nov. 8, 1972 at Credibility Gap, USA.

The bill measures 4" x 6-5/8". It appears to be in good condition as pictured. There are no creases but there is a 1/4" tear at the top and two marks from tape on the back.

Click on image to zoom.
1972 Anti George McGovern $1000 Dollar Bill

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