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(6) World War II Louis Allis Messenger Patriotic Homefront Publications
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This item is already sold(6) World War II Louis Allis Messenger Patriotic Homefront Publications
World War II   WWII   Military   War   U.S. Army   Louis Allis   Patriotic   Homefront   War Effort   Publication   Magazine
The picture shows a view of the covers of all (6) World War II Louis Allis Messenger Patriotic Homefront Publications in this lot. The insides of these are colorful, very patriotic, and the pages are frameable prints. These were put out by The Louis Allis Company of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This company had made electric motors and aircraft engines. There is too much to picture and mention in these but below here is a brief description of what is in each:

(May - June 1942)
This issue contains:
Images of Soldiers marching.
Graphic of factory and Soldiers. ''DEFENSE IN THE FIELD BEGINS IN THE FACTORY''.
Fighter Plane
General George C. Marshall - Chief of Staff.
General Douglas MacArthur.
Army base with Bugler ''We're In The Army Now''.
Aircraft & Soldiers ''Sprouting Wings''.
Aircraft & Soldiers ''Learning By Doing''.
Paratroopers ''Parachuting''.
Insignia Of The U.S. Army Service Insignia.
Decorations and Medals Of The U.S. Army.
Sniper Soldier - Airplanes ''Air Borne Troops''.
Soldiers on Skis ''Ski Troops''.
Radiomen & Signalmen ''Signaling''.
Soldiers on Tanks & Motorcycles ''Tank Battalion''.
Tanks ''Going Through''.
Cannon & Soldiers with Gas Masks ''Moving Up Front''.
(2) Color Graphics With George Washington.
Color Graphic Liberty Bell Forged.
Soldiers on Horseback Pulling Cannons ''Cavalry''.
Soldiers on Horseback Charging ''Charge!''.
Jeep Pulling Gun & Soldiers With Guns ''Into Action''.
Soldiers Loading Gun ''At The Front''.
Soldiers With Machine Guns ''Grim Business''.
Soldiers On Train With Man Taking Messages ''Dear Mom...''.
Colorful Revolutionary War Graphic With Soldiers & Cannons.
World War II Soldier Portrait.
Poem With Aircraft Background ''My Neighbor's Boy''.
Soldier On Motorcycle and in Jeep With Gas Masks ''Rough Going''.
Soldier With Gun - Civilians In Background ''He's Depending On Us''.
Soldier With Jeep & Truck Reading Mail ''--and Don't Forget To Write Often!''
American Bald Eagle Illustration.
Soldier With Gun ''Come On - Let's Go!''.
Poem ''Why I'm Buying A Bond'' Soldier With Machine Gun & Victory Bond Ad.
Soldier With Gun On Watch.
Colorful Graphic of War Scene With Motor Ad & Banner ''In War Or Peace You Can Depend On The Louis Allis Co.''.
U.S. Army Plane Flying Over American Flag.

(July - August 1942)
This issue contains:
U.S. Marines With Flags.
Boy Looking At U.S. Marines Poster.
U.S. Marines Insignia & Marines Saluting Flag.
Lt. General Thomas Holcomb, U.S.M.C..
Recruits Getting Haircut ''The 'Boot' -iful Haircut''.
New Recruits ''Entering Boot Training''.
Recruits Training on Jeep ''Learning By Doing''.
Recruits Classroom Training ''Fundamentals''.
Recruits with Parachute and Air Balloons ''Training Begins''.
Soldiers With Anti Aircraft Gun or Cannon.
Soldiers With Anti Aircraft Guns ''Learning Their Guns''.
Soldiers With Cannons ''Situation Well In Hand''.
Soldiers With Mortars ''Paratroops And The Trench Mortars''.
Soldiers With Machine Guns ''Moving Up...''.
Soldiers In Obstacle Course ''Tough Going''.
Soldiers In Obstacle Course ''Up And At 'Em!''.
Soldiers With Guns ''Serious Business''.
Soldiers On Beach With Radio ''Observation''.
Soldiers On Board Ship ''On The Alert''.
Soldiers In Rowboat ''Shoving Off''.
U.S. Navy Ship and Landing Craft ''The Marines Have Landed''.
Soldiers Loading Cannon & Victory Bond Ad ''Don't Let'em Down!''.
(2) page ''The Marines' Hymn'' Song.
Soldiers Writing Letters.
Colorful Graphic of War Scene With Motor Ad & Banner ''In War Or Peace You Can Depend On The Louis Allis Co.''.

(March - April 1943)
German Shepherd Dog With Puppies.
Poem With Birdhouse ''His Dog''.
''The Kid In Upper 4''
U.S. Navy Ships at Sea.
Illustration ''Now... He's A Hero To You!''.
Soldier Getting Blood.
Soldier Guarding The Liberty Bell.
Soldier With Bayonet.
Grave Of Soldier With Gun & Helmet ''Let's Get It Over Quick!''.
Poem ''The Apple Orchard''.
Boy Drinking Milk & Eating, Poem ''Factory Trenches''.
U.S. Navy Ship & Western Union Telegraph To Employees of Louis Allis Company from Rear Admiral W.H.P. Blandy.
Poem ''Any Scrap, Neighbor?''.
Boy Scouts Collecting Materials.
Woman Welding, Poem ''My Neighbor's Girl''.
Poem ''Remember The Kid Next Door?''.
Illustration of American Prisoners Of War With Japanese Soldier.
Soldiers In Guadalcanal Post Office ''This Is A Lonesome War ---''.
(2) page Louis Allis Company Ad With Motors ''Let's First Win This War!''.
Child Picture ''You Won't Let My Daddy Down Will You Mister?''.
Soldier With Lifeboat.
Color Illustration Of The Statue Of Liberty.

(May - June 1943)
Colorful Graphic Nazi Bombers (over England?) & Baby On Dead Mother With Fires ''It Can Happen Here''.
Family Looking At The Lincoln Memorial.
(2) page Story or Letter ''So Long, Bill''.
Elderly Woman & Story ''She Is My Mother''.
U.S. Navy Sailors, Poem ''Where Are Those Letters?''.
Red Cross Tent & Soldier Illustration ''Thanks Somebody, Saved By Blood Transfusion''.
Injured Soldier Getting Blood ''This Is Not A Movie --''.
Louis Allis Advertisement With Motors.
Louis Allis Advertisement With Motors.
''Dear Mom'' Letter.
Gunner In Aircraft, Poem ''Their Country's Call''.
Illustration Men In Lifeboat ''Ever Eat Raw Sea Gull?''.
Soldiers In Jeep & Trucks, Sailors Boarding Ship, Poem ''Fighting Men''.
Louis Allis Advertisement With Motors.
Soldier In War Illustration.
Louis Allis Advertisement With Motors.
Fallen Soldier Illustration.
Louis Allis Advertisement With Motors.
Prisoner Of War, Poem ''Only Our Dead Will Be Free''.
American Prisoners Of War With Japanese Soldier ''It CAN Happen Here''.

(July - August 1943)
Colorful Country Carnival Scene Illustration.
Country Scenes.
Farmer With Wheat Stalks.
U.S. Army Soldiers At War Illustration ''I Just Saw Dan Off To The Army''.
Daniel Webster ''The Creed Of A Great American''.
Illustration Of Soldier In Swamp ''The War's About Won, Eh?''.
''Dear Mom'' Letter.
Poem ''Rejected''.
Jesus Christ On Cross ''The Greatest Donor In History''.
Louis Allis Advertisement With Motors.
Louis Allis Advertisement With Motors.
Boy Fishing With Dog, Poem ''When I Was A Boy''.
Louis Allis Advertisement With Motors.
Louis Allis Advertisement With Motors.
''Mail From Home ---''.
''What Did You Do For Freedom Today?'' With Uncle Sam.
Mountain Scene.

(September - October 1943)
Farming Pumpkins Scene.
Forest Scenes, Poem ''The Country Road''.
U.S. Navy Ship With sailor.
Sailor In Rack Reading Mail ''This Is A Lonesome war ---''.
Mountain Scene, Poem ''On A High Green Hill''.
Poem ''If We Knew Each Other Better''.
Poem ''When Your Girl Forgets To Write''.
Child With Lunch Box, Poem ''That Job Of Yours''.
Boy With Dog & Crashing Toy Army Airplane, Poem ''Boy Tracks''.
American Flag, Poem ''Your Flag And My Flag''.
''Dear Jackie'' Letter.
Louis Allis Advertisement With Motors.
Louis Allis Advertisement With Motors.
Navy Sailor ''Transfusion Aboard Hospital Ship''
Louis Allis Advertisement With Motors.
Poem ''Fishin'''.
Louis Allis Advertisement With Motors.
Beagle Dog ''My Master's Gone Away To War - You Folks Won't Let Him Down - Will You?''
Colorful War Scene Illustration, Soldier Carrying Another ''He Ain't Heavy, Mister... He's My Buddy!''

The magazines each measure 8-1/2'' x 11''. These are in excellent condition with a few pages that came loose, but not torn from the staples.

A Brief History of The Louis Allis Company

The Louis Allis Company reflected the ideals, character and initiative of its employees who played a dominant role in its development and progress. The company founder, Louis Allis, was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1866. Louis joined his father's firm in 1888. He advanced rapidly to the role of general purchasing agent.

In 1901, the company merged with Fraser-Chalmers Manufacturing, calling itself the Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company. Louis stayed with the company until late 1901.

Allis later became interested in the Mechanical Appliance Company, which was making an electric motor. In August 1901, Allis invested in the new company, became a director, and took an active part in the management of the 15-employee company and in 1903 was elected president.

By April 1906, the growing company moved to new quarters at 427 East Stewart Street; the location of the Allis family's original homestead farm. Because motor trucks had not been introduced yet, the machinery, tools, stock and work in process were moved from the old plant to the new in horse-drawn days.

Allis foresaw that electric power could be made both economical and universal. It was while still at the Hanover Street plant that Mr. Allis perceived an industry need for specialty electric motors. The company's original product was a line of direct current (DC) motors, since alternating current (AC) was still a theory with which Steinmetz and Tesla were experimenting.

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(6) World War II Louis Allis Messenger Patriotic Homefront Publications

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