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Time Passages Nostalgia Company
Ron Toth, Jr., Proprietor
72 Charles Street
Rochester, New Hampshire 03867-3413
Phone: 1-603-335-2062
Email: ron.toth@timepassagesnostalgia.com
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Found 601 items matching Washington D
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(9) Old Diner Advertising Items
Diner   Restaurant   Advertising   Food   Nostalgia
#2984    Sold.   details...
(8) Encased Advertising Good Luck Coins
Advertising   Coin   Token   Encased   Good Luck   Premium   Novelty
#5725    Sold.   details...
(13) United States Altered Coins and/or Coin Jewelry Items
Coin   Token   Jewelry   Novelty   Charm   Pin
#5726    Sold.   details...
(8) Different Photo Locket Charms / Pendants
Locket   Pendant   Charm   Jewelry
#5782    Sold.   details...
(4) Old Washington, D.C. Metal Souvenir Items
Washington D.C.   Political   Government   Capital   Souvenir   Miniature   Building
#5886   $24.99+ $8 shipping & handling.   details...
(12) Small Eastern Airlines Items
Airplane   Aircraft   Aviation   Pilot   Airline   Eastern Airlines   Advertising   Premium   Souvenir   Nostalgic
#6514    Sold.   details...
Old Apollo 11 Moon Landing Commemorative Plaque
Space   Astronaut   Moon   Space Travel   Apollo   Commemorative   Plaque   Nostalgic
#6652    Sold.   details...
(2) 1978 United States Navy U.S.S. South Carolina CGN-37 Ship Color Photograph Slides
United Staes   America   American   Americana   U.S.S. South Carolina   CGN-37   U.S. Navy   Military   Cruiser   Sailor   Serviceman   Veteran   Ship   Photo   Photograph   Slide   History   Historic
#7061   $19.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
1982 First Annual Cracker Jack Old Timers Baseball Classic Porgram Book
Cracker Jack   Pop Corn   Confection   Sailor Jack   Character   Dairy   Advertising   Food   Borden   Elsie   Cow   Grocer   Grocery   Novelty   Nostalgic   Baseball   Sports   Hall of Fame   Program   Book   Booklet   Washington D.C.   History   Historic   American   Americana   Paper   Ephemera
#7102    Sold.   details...
1927 (4) Page United States Marine Band Advertising Brochure
United States Marine Band   Military   President   Political   Music   Advertising   Washington   D.C.   Nostalgic   Americana
#7120    Sold.   details...
(15) 1972 McGovern / Shriver Campaign Bumper Stickers
United States   President   Campaign   McGovern   Political   Democrat   Democratic   Bumper Sticker   Advertising   Nostalgic   Americana
#7124    Sold.   details...
(9) Different Old President John F. Kennedy Memorial Items
Kennedy   United States   President   Political   Campaign   Memorial   Democrat   Americana   Historic   Nostalgic
#7353    Sold.   details...
(11) 1960's Washington, D.C. Booklets, Brochures, & Envelope
Washington   D.C.   District Of Columbia   Political   Norris Cotton   Senator   Senate   Advertising   Tourist   Tourism   Americana   Nostalgic
#7356    Sold.   details...
July 25, 1969 ''Voyage To The Moon'' Lowell Sun Newspaper Supplement
Apollo 11   Space   Space Travel   Rocket   Aviation   NASA   Moon Landing   Astronaut   Americana   Historic   Nostalgic
#7471    Sold.   details...
Uncolored 1969 Apollo / Man On The Moon Coloring Book
Apollo 11   Space   Space Travel   Rocket   Aviation   NASA   Moon Landing   Astronaut   Coloring Book   Americana   Historic   Nostalgic
#7472    Sold.   details...
Old Boxed Republican Campaign Cookie Cutter
Republican   Campaign   United States   President   G.O.P.   Advertising   Vote   Elephant   Animal   Cookie   Cutter   Cooking   Cook   Food   Nostalgic
#7641    Sold.   details...
(22) Small Old Howard Johnson's Advertising Items
Howard Johnson   HoJo   Restaurant   Motor Lodge   Hotel   Motel   Advertising   Souvenir   Nostalgic
#7695    Sold.   details...
U.S.S. Worcester CL-144 Association Enameled Pin
U.S.S. Worcester   U.S. Navy   Ship   Military   Pin   Jewelry   Advertising
#7725    Sold.   details...
(25) Different Old Washington D.C. Photograph Slides
Washington D.C.   Capital   U.S. President   Photo   Photograph   Photography   Americana   Nostalgic
#7732   $24.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
(32) Different Old Washington D.C. Photograph Slides
Washington D.C.   Capital   U.S. President   Photo   Photograph   Photography   Americana   Nostalgic
#7733   $24.99+ $6 shipping & handling.   details...
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