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Old Johnson Smith & Company Card Trick & Magic Novelty Catalog Book
Item #a952
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This item is already soldOld Johnson Smith & Company Card Trick & Magic Novelty Catalog Book
Johnson Smith   Playing Card   Mystery   Magic   Magician   Trick   Joke   Prank   Novelty   Book   Ephemera
The pictures show a view of the cover and many sample pages of this Old Johnson Smith & Company Card Trick & Magic Novelty Catalog Book. This book has approximately (130) pages. The first half is numbered and the second half is not. The book is not dated but it is old. The first half of the book is filled with pictures and instructions for many old playing card tricks. The second half is filled with many, many old Johnson Smith catalog items. The cover is marked as follows:

Printed in U.S.A.

The booklet measures 5-1/4'' x 7-9/16''. The pages are all in near mint condition with some age discoloration. The cover has faded with time. It used to be blue or purple. The upper right corner tip has fallen off but is included. Below here is a list of some of the many interesting old novelty items advertised inside this booklet:

Crystal Radio Sets, Performin Coons (Sambo & Dinah), Whoopee Cushion, Hunting Knife, Keyless Lock, Cigarette Maker, Pencil with Stanhope Viewer, Cream Extractor, Luminous Ghost, Sling Shot Target Game, Explosive Matches, Cigarettes, Measuring Tape, Automatic Dime Bank, Dancing Skeleton, Change Purse, Swiss Warbler Whistle, Pea Shooting Gun, Auto Scare Bomb, Chameleon Lizards, Horned Toads, Turtles, Baby Alligators, Compass, Stage Money, See-o-Scope Periscope, Mystery Speed Boat, Electric Motor, Joy Buzzer, Shell Game, Miniature Tools in a Nut Shell, Novelty China Ashtrays, Revolver Guns, Surprise Soap, Camera, Electric Telegraph Set, Fountain Pen Gun, Fortune Telling & Trick Cards, Imitation Gold Teeth, Jumping Fleas, Snake Tulip, Sparkling Matches, Squirt Guns, Miniature Watch Charm Pistol, Plants & Seeds, Magic Tricks, Stanhope Viewer Ring, Microscope, Electric Shoe Insoles, Fun Licenses, Encased Cents, Date Stamp, Squirt Ring, Punch Cards, Raffle Cards, Photo Scarf, Photo Transfers, Enchanted Zephyr Chimes, Railroad Pocket Watch, Knife Sharpener, Dog Collar Name Plate, Awl, Movie Projectors, 16mm Movie Films, Cigarette & Cigar Lighters, Crystal Ball, Hawaiian Hula Skirt, Dribble Glass, Saxophone, Sex Indicator, Wallets, Gene Autry & Ken Maynard Cowboy Song Books, Animal Books, Instruction Books, Magic Books, Photography Books, Midget Auto Racers, Puzzle, Joke, & Riddle Books, Many How To Books, Home Brewing Books, Hypnotism Books, Snake Whiskey Bottle, Fan Dance Flip Book, Harmonica, American Flyer Typewriter, Corozo Nut Ring, Develine Whistle, Electric Hair Waver, Comical Motto Rings, Telescope, Aluminum or Brass Knuckles, Binoculars, Golden Flyer Electric Train, Vault Bank, Popeye Dime Register Bank, Lucky Dime Register Bank, Popeye & Joe Socko Knock Out Bank, Magazines, Gilbert Electric Eye Kit, Radio Microphone, Police Radio, Flashlight, Radio Head Phones, Midget Pocket Radio, Magic Cards, Lucky Rings, Novelty & Toy Rings, Sundial, U.S. Army & U.S. Navy Rings, Mirror Ring, Police Club & Blackjack, Pennants, Indian Beadcraft Kit, U.S. Baby Toy Tank, Air Pistols, Mocar Model Airplanes and much, much more...

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Old Johnson Smith & Company Card Trick & Magic Novelty Catalog Book Old Johnson Smith & Company Card Trick & Magic Novelty Catalog Book Old Johnson Smith & Company Card Trick & Magic Novelty Catalog Book Old Johnson Smith & Company Card Trick & Magic Novelty Catalog Book Old Johnson Smith & Company Card Trick & Magic Novelty Catalog Book Old Johnson Smith & Company Card Trick & Magic Novelty Catalog Book Old Johnson Smith & Company Card Trick & Magic Novelty Catalog Book Old Johnson Smith & Company Card Trick & Magic Novelty Catalog Book Old Johnson Smith & Company Card Trick & Magic Novelty Catalog Book Old Johnson Smith & Company Card Trick & Magic Novelty Catalog Book Old Johnson Smith & Company Card Trick & Magic Novelty Catalog Book

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