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New Yorker Magazine - September 19, 1983 - Cover by Charles E. Martin
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New Yorker Magazine - September 19, 1983 - Cover by Charles E. Martin
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the September 19, 1983 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine has been carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover.

Cover artist: Charles E. Martin
Publication Date: September 19, 1983
Page Count: 154 pages
In this issue:

The Current Cinema A BAD DREAM/A MASTERPIECE by Pauline Kael.

Profiles MONARCH by John Newhouse. PROFILE of King Hussein of Jordan...

The Talk of the Town Fourteenth Street by George W. S. Trow. Three-part talk story. Part 1 is about Patterson Sims, the Associate Curator of the Whitney Museum of American Art& a piece of artwork called "Precarious Notoriety." This piece is a part of the show called "Minimalism to Expressionism-Painting& Sculpture Since 1965." Sims is in his 30...

Musical Events Melodious Albion by Andrew Porter.

Books Angle on the Ordinary by Susan Lardner.

Comment by William McKibben. Writer learned while a tour guide at the Battle Green in Lexington, Ma. that Americans are not captives, and rarely students, of history. What counts in developing our world opinions are the events that appeared in the headlines as we were growing up. It's not surprising that young people the...

Dance Hot Spot by William McKibben. Talk story about "Limelight," a new dance club and entertainment complex in what was once the Episcopal Church of the Holy Communion. Staffer John Carmen gives a tour that begins at the front door, which opens onto the corner of 6th Avenue and 20th Street. He explains that there'll be...

Fiction Rue de Lille by Mavis Gallant. A man recalls the years he lived with his second wife, Juliette, in her apartment on Rue de Lille in Paris. Juliette had lived there thirty-seven years and died there, a few days short of her 60th birthday. Her husband found her stretched out on the floor of the...

Fiction The Greene Club by George W. S. Trow. Edward Jones wakes up one morning thinking about Moo Moo Baker, and decides to take up bridge because that's how Moo Moo spends her time. One evening he finds himself at the Greene Club, among various people whose names used to appear on invitations to charity dances. The Greene Club...

Poetry The New Saddhus by Robert Pinsky. Barefoot, in unaccustomed clouts of skirts of raw muslin...

Poetry The Fan in the Window by Ted Kooser. It is September, and a cool breeze...

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New Yorker Magazine - September 19, 1983 - Cover by Charles E. Martin

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