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New Yorker Magazine - June 13, 1988 - Cover by Pamela Paparone
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New Yorker Magazine - June 13, 1988 - Cover by Pamela Paparone
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the June 13, 1988 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine has been carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover.

Cover artist: Pamela Paparone
Publication Date: June 13, 1988
Page Count: 116 pages
In this issue:

Books by John Updike.

Musical Events by Andrew Porter.

The Talk of the Town Inspirational Story by Mark Singer. Talk story about an insecure middle-aged man who goes to Dr. Norman Vincent Peale's ninetieth-birthday-party at the Waldorf. Dr. Peale is the author of "The Power of Positive Thinking" and other books. The party was one of those gatherings where, if a Christian wanted, he could get...

The Talk of the Town Artbreak Hotel by Stanley Mieses. Talk story about the Carlton Arms Hotel, which has many rooms decorated by artists, and about the most recent show there, called Artbreak Hotel... Eight years ago, Ed Ryan-- waiter, bartender, construction worker, writer, Bronx-born world traveller--took on the job of managing a run-down single-room-occupancy...

Comment by Richard Brookhiser. Comment about the closing of the Giotto Cafe... In the 17th century, Robert Herrick wrote a charming poem, "To Larr," addressed to the spirit inhabiting his home. Herrick had a house, we have rent checks. In a metropolis of apartments that vestigal pagan feeling of relation to a personal place...

Dancing by Alastair Macaulay.

Fiction Coyotes by Bobbie Ann Mason. Lynnette Johnson and Cobb live together in Paducah and are about to get married. Cobb works for the soil-conversation service and Lynnette works at a film-developing place. She often is disturbed by the photographs that she develops but enjoys inventing make-believe stories to suit the photos. Lynnette...

A Reporter at Large II-THE NEW ORDER by Raymond Bonner. A REPORTER AT LARGE about Indonesia... For Indonesians, questions about the nation's future are asked against a backdrop of fears that the country would not even survive as a nation. Their country has had to absorb more jolts in fifty years than the United States has in 200: occupation by...

Around City Hall AROUND CITY HALL RAW by Andy Logan. On May 23rd, Daniel Patrick Moynihan's formal announcement that he was a candidate for a third term in the United States Senate was followed later in the day by a gala fund-raiser at the Grand Hyatt Hotel. Most prominent New York Democrats were on hand, including Governor Cuomo. The...

The Talk of the Town Issan Dorsey by Katy Butler. Talk story about a woman we know who lives in San Francisco and visits Issan Dorsey, head priest of the Hartford Street Zen Center---formerly known as the Gay Buddhist Club. Dorsey is in his mid-fifties and came to Budddhism in 1968, when, after fifteen years of heavy drinking...

Profiles PARISH PRIEST by Paul Wilkes. PROFILE of Father Joseph Greer, 56, a Roman Catholic priest whose parish covers almost 4 square miles of the town of Natick, which, with 8500 parishoners, is one of the larger Catholic communities in suburban Boston. His church, St. Patrick's, was founded in 1860, & is the mother Catholic church...

The Current Cinema OUTSIDE by Pauline Kael.

Poetry Mantises by Jane Flanders. After beauty has had its way with us...

Poetry When my name was called. My Name Was Called by May Swenson. I didn't know what would be done with me...

Click on image to zoom.
New Yorker Magazine - June 13, 1988 - Cover by Pamela Paparone

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