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New Yorker Magazine - November 27, 1989 - Cover by Edward Koren
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New Yorker Magazine - November 27, 1989 - Cover by Edward Koren
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the November 27, 1989 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine has been carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover.

Cover artist: Edward Koren
Publication Date: November 27, 1989
Page Count: 144 pages
In this issue:

Our Far-Flung Correspondents LA CABEZA DE VILLA by Mark Singer. OUR FAR-FLUNG CORRESPONDENTS about the Wednesday Group of El Paso, Texas & their efforts to recover the skull of Pancho Villa. The Wednesday Group suscribe to Ben Williams' story concerning the fate of Panch Villa's skull. In his memoir, "Let the Tail Go With the Hide," Williams claims that...

Fiction Hole in the Day by Christopher Tilghman. Lonnie, a mother of four and pregnant, suddenly leaves her husband and drives away over the Great Plains to find another life. Her husband Grant gathers the children to leave in the care of neighbors and relatives and drives off to search for Lonnie and to bring her home. Since...

Books by Faith McNulty.

The Talk of the Town Tour! by Alec Wilkinson. Talk Story about the new tour of the National Broadcasting Company's studios. Writer gives information from the press kit, describes artifacts on display from early radio days, and gives descriptions of the variety of persons connected with or taking part in the tour. Among them are students from Junior High...

A Reporter at Large I-BEYOND THE MOUNTAINS by Mark Danner. REPORTER AT LARGE about the Presidential elections in Haiti which ended in bloodshed & led to the rise of the Army-backed Leslie F. Manigat. The government's junta which succeeded Jean-Claude Duvalier was led by Gen. Henri Namphy. Tells how the Duvalierists and the Tonton Macoute were integrated into...

Comment by Garrison Keillor. It was startling last week to find the words "Joyous" & "jubilant" & "rejoice" & "Exults" in the headlines in the "Times," in the typeface of sobriety: JOYOUS EAST GERMANS POUR THROUGH THE WALL... It may have been the first jubilant horde to flood the front page of the "Times...

The Current Cinema SECOND TAKES by Pauline Kael.

Letter from Washington by Elizabeth Drew. The Bush Administration, not an inherently imaginative one, is trying to conduct foreign policy in a whirlwind. President Bush's surprise announcement two weeks ago that he would meet with Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev for an informal meeting at sea served for the time, to take some of the pressure off...

The Theatre SORT OF GRAND HOTEL by Edith Oliver.

The Talk of the Town Questions, Questions by Vickie Karp. Talk story about the Association of Space Explorers' Fifth Planetary Congress, which took place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, with cable links to several places, including the Hayden Planetarium's Guggenheim Space Theatre, where reporters and students gathered to listen or ask questions. Tells about the conference...

The Talk of the Town The Caligari Club by Adam Gopnik. Talk Story about Charlie Gifford, an architect, who likes to sneak up to the summits of the romantic skyscrapers of New York & walk around in them. He has nosed around in the jukebox Art Deco on top of the McGraw-Hill Building, discovered a freestanding multistory spiral staircase in...

Poetry What They Ate by Campbell McGrath. All manner of fowl and wild game: venison, raccoon, oppossum, turkey...

Poetry The Thistle, The Nettle by Czeslaw Milosz. The thistle, the nettle, the burdock, the belladonna...

Poetry White Boat, Blue Boat by James Schuyler. Two boats parked...

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New Yorker Magazine - November 27, 1989 - Cover by Edward Koren

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