Item #7844 |  Price: $14.99 $6 shipping & handling For Sale
  | | Any group of items being offered as a lot must be sold as a lot. | | Nostalgic Memorabilia, Pop Culture Artifacts, Historic Items, and "Shoe Box Toys" | Quality Merchandise At Reasonable Prices | Combined Shipping And Handling | Fast Dependable Service | Unique & Fun Nostalgic Items | It's never too late to have a happy childhood! | Quality Packing And Postal Insurance | You don't have to be an eight year old to enjoy having a childhood treasure. |
| | | The picture shows a view of this Unused U.S.S. ANDREW JACKSON SSBN619 Submarine Decal. The year that it was made is unknown. The decal image measures 3-3/4'' x 3''. It is in mint unused condition. Below is some information found on this submarine: SPECIFICATIONS BUILDER Mare Island Naval Shipyard Vallejo, CA Award Date 07/23/60 Keel Laid 08/26/61 Launched 09/15/62 Comissioned 07/03/63 Decommissioned 08/31/89 Years in Service 26.2DISPLACEMENT Surfaced Light 6650 tons Surfaced 7250 tons Submerged 8250 tonsDIMENSIONS Length 425 feet Diameter 33 feet Draft 29 feetPERFORMANCE Speed Surfaced 20 knots Speed Submerged 30 knots Depth 984 feetENGINEERING Reactor S5W Westinghouse Pressurized Water Main Turbines Two via reduction gear to a Single Shaft with 15000 Shaft Horsepower Turbine Generators Two DieselSTATUS Stricken, to be disposed of by submarine recycling |
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