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(6) Old Clickers / Noisemakers
Item #2845
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This item is already sold(6) Old Clickers / Noisemakers
Clicker   Noisemaker   Toy   Novelty
The picture shows all (6) Old Clickers / Noisemakers in this lot. Three are made of lithographed tin and three are made of plastic. Included are the following:

The first one is a three part hard plastic Machine Gun Clicker. One side is yellow, the other is blue, and the trigger is green. It works great. It is clean and made in the U.S.A. by LIONAL.

Next is a lithographed tin clicker. It has a strange looking animal with a sailor hat. The hat has the letter "B". The animal resembles either a dog, monkey, or bear. You'll have to decide by the picture. The clicker works great.

Next is another lithographed tin clicker. This one has a clown playing a drum and a cymbol. It is marked "MADE IN JAPAN". It does work, but has some wrinkling of the thin metal.

Next is a pear shaped clicker. It is made of plastic with a metal clicker part. It is marked "MADE IN HONG KONG". Works good.

The next one is not complete. It is a lithograhed tin part for a rare mechanical clicker. It has a man with an umbrella and marked "MADE IN JAPAN". The tiny tabs to hold the missing section on are intact on the back. This part is in mint condition, but I wish it were complete.

Last in this lot is a plastic Owl clicker. The owl is wearing a graduation cap and is in black and orange Halloween colors. It is marked "© FUN WORLD DIV. - MADE IN HONG KONG".

To judge the sizes the machine gun clicker measures 6-1/2" long.

Click on image to zoom.
(6) Old Clickers / Noisemakers

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