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New Yorker Magazine - November 4, 1985 - Cover by George Booth
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This item is already soldNew Yorker Magazine - November 4, 1985 - Cover by George Booth
New Yorker Magazine   Back-Issue
The picture shows the cover of this complete copy of the November 4, 1985 edition of the New Yorker Magazine. This vintage magazine has been carefully stored flat, high and dry and is in excellent, fresh condition. It has a bright, colorful cover.

Cover artist: George Booth
Publication Date: November 4, 1985
Page Count: 162 pages
In this issue:

Books by Mollie Panter-Downes.

The Theatre by Brendan Gill.

A Reporter in Washington by Elizabeth Drew. There has been a certain amount of cleanup work in the wake of both the Administration's various responses to the Israeli bombing of the PLO headquarters near Tunis, on October 1st (the White House at first called the raid a "legitimate" defense against terrorism & praised it, but the Adm...

The Theatre THE THEATRE OFF BROADWAY by Brendan Gill. Review of "Aunt Dan and Lemon", by Wallace Shawn, who also acts in it...

The Talk of the Town Kathryn and James by George W. S. Trow. Talk story about James Taylor, who appeared at Radio City Music Hall, and Kathryn Walker, the actress he is going to marry. Writer talked to her on the morning of Taylor's opening night, in their apartment. There were papers of every sort on a long table, and an answering machine...

Our Far-Flung Correspondents THE ROAD TO TIMBUKTU by E. J. Kahn. OUR FAR-FLUNG CORRESPONDENTS about Mali, in West Africa. Writer visites Timbuktu, the legendary city whose population has lately doubled because of an influx of nomads forced down from the Sahara by drought. Writer tells the history of the city, which lies just south of the Niger River. In colonial...

The Talk of the Town Pumpkins by James Stevenson. Illustrated Talk story about pumpkins being sold at a farm market near the highway in Connecticut. It was Saturday of the week before Halloween, and hundreds of people roamed around hundreds of pumpkins, all seeking the ideal gourd. A wide selection of styles was still available at 18 cents a...

Jazz by Whitney Balliett. Obituary of three jazz greats who died within two weeks of each other near the end of the summer: Cootie Williams, Jo Jones, and Philly Joe Jones (no relation). Drummer Philly Joe Jones when he worked with Miles Davis became the axis around which the next wave of drummers rotated...

The Talk of the Town Equipment by Wallace White. Talk story about the four-day 1985 Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association International trade show at the Coliseum. It drew more than 25,000 visitors...

Jazz by Whitney Balliett.

Comment by Mary Norris. There's no point in getting bent out of shape about it, because, as everyone tells me when I say anything about the construction in my neighborhood, this is the city--it happens. The other week a high rise going up on a corner of the upper West Side reached the...

Profiles SHARPENING THE EYE by Calvin Tomkins. PROFILE of William S. Rubin, Director of the Dept. of Painting & Sculpture at the Museum of Modern Art. Alfred H. Barr, Jr. who played a big role at the museum, was about to retire when, in 1966, he asked Rubin, a 39-year-old art history teacher at Sarah...

On Television Wayfaring At Waverly In Silver Lake by James McCourt. Kave Wayfaring, a movie star, is watching the women's Olympic marathon on television, in her home on Waverly street in the Silver Lake district of L.A. She is thinking about her career and the events of the day before, when she met with her director, Orphrey Whither, and other friends...

Musical Events by Andrew Porter.

Anniversary Old Math by William McKibben. Talk story about a reception marking the fiftieth anniversary of New York University's Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. Richard Courant, who died in 1972, founded the institute after fleeing Germany, where he had run the math institute of the University of Gottingen. A film shown at the reception featured Dr...

Fiction Lightening Up by Ellis Weiner. To: Collective Committee for Tourism. From: The Collective Committee for Publicity. RE: Club Med Advertising Brochure. Find attached hereto two drafts of brochure. First draft embodies the Standard Approach to the Correct Revolutionary Attitude. Second draft represents new approach. FIRST DRAFT: Strive ceaselessly to feel welcome! Read in this pamphlet...

The Current Cinema KNIFE, BIKE AND BOOK by Pauline Kael.

Around City Hall AROUND CITY HALL NO RIVALS by Andy Logan. On Oct. 8 Andrew Young was re-elected Mayor of Atlanta with 84% of the vote-a record Mayor Koch will be happy to match in the general election on Nov. 5th. It was said of Young that he paid little attention to blacks & to the poor. This &...

Poetry The Tall Tree by F. D. Reeve. She had the tall compactness of a tree...

Poetry In the Elephant Folio by Debora Greger. A comb capsized on a glass-topped dresser...

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New Yorker Magazine - November 4, 1985 - Cover by George Booth

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