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©1942 Guide Book To The U.S. Navy Book
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This item is already sold©1942 Guide Book To The U.S. Navy Book
U.S. Navy   Sailor   Pilot   Ship   Sub   Plane   WWII   Military   Book   Non Sports   Trading Card   Homefront   Patriotic   Americana   War   Nostalgic
The picture shows the cover and some sample pages of this ©1942 Guide Book To The U.S. Navy Book. The images are great and I wish I could show all of the pages.

This (62) page book has (54) pages of Ship, Submarine, and Aircraft action images. Below each is some information. These images are believed to be the same as those that were used for old World War II era bubble gum or candy trading cards. I am not sure of the name of the set though. The book is like a set of cards.

The drawings in this book are by Barry Bart and the descriptive text is by James F. Wallace. There are six text pages of information about the United States Navy. On the back cover there is an airplane and an ad to Buy United States Saving Bonds and Stamps. The following is a long list of the ships and aircraft that are included in the book. Perhaps you were on one of these ships or flown one of these planes. There are a few pages there are religious stamps marked "S.A.G.". These will be noted with an asterik (*) in the list below. A sample of this stamp can be seen on one of the pages in the picture.

Battleship New Mexico
* Battleship Texas
Battleship Pennsylvania
Battleship North Carolina
* Battleship Mississippi
Heavy Cruiser Pensacola
Heavy Cruiser Portland
Light Cruiser Brooklyn
Heavy Cruiser Astoria
* Destroyer Farragut
Destroyer Anderson (Sims Class)
Destroyer Gleaves (Benson Class)
* Destroyer Tender Dixie
Gunboat Erie
River Gunboat Tutuila
Patrol Torpedo Boat
Submarine Tambor
Submarine "O" Class
Submarine Sargo
Submarine Rescue Vessel Falcon
Submarine Tender Beaver
Submarine Chaser
Mine Layer Aroostook
Mine Sweeper Raven
Transport Barnett
Transport West Point
Aircraft Carrier Ranger
Aircraft Carrier Lexington
Aircraft Curtiss SNC-1
Aircraft Grumman J2F4
Aircraft Curtiss SOC
Aircraft Vought - Sikorsky OS2U-1
Aircraft Douglas SBD
Aircraft Northrop XBT-1
Aircraft Vought - Sikorsky XF4U-1
Aircraft Grumman XF-4F-1
Aircraft Grumman F4F3
Aircraft Curtiss XSB2C-1
Aircraft Curtiss SBC-4
Aircraft Vought - Sikorsky SB2-U
Aircraft Brewster SB2A-1
Aircraft Douglas TBD-1
Aircraft Consolidated PB2Y2
Aircraft Martin PBM-1
Aircraft Non-Rigid Airship
Seaplane Tender Curtiss
Seaplane Wrecking Derrick Mary Ann
Oiler Sangamon
Cargo Ship Capella
Store Ship Bridge
Ammunition Ship Nitro
Boom Net Tender Boxwood
Converted Yacht
Hospital Ship Solace

The book measures 5-1/2" x 3-1/2". The cover is in good condition with some wear. The inside covers have writing with names, an address and some spotting. The index has checkmarks. The good news is that the pages with images are clean.

Click on image to zoom.
©1942 Guide Book To The U.S. Navy Book

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